A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 295  

[?g!S.}s. KevaU.

22 July 1565—22 July 1566.


w pekeryng         Recevyd of Wylliam pekerynge for his lycence for pryntinge of a

ballett intituled A.II in a garden grene / betwene ij lovers        iiij*

^^^y              Receved  of   Alexandre  lacy  for  his   lycence  for  pryntinge of   a

ballett intituled of fryndeshipp and flatterye    .        .        .        iiij*

lacy               Recevyd  of Alexandre  lacy  for  his   lycence   for  prynting of   a

ballet     in[ti]tuled    marke    ivell    in    mathewe     tvhat     Christe
Both saye        .........        iiij*


Recevyd of Thomas Colwell for his lycence for prynting of a
play intituled a merye playe bothe pytthy and pleasaunt of
ALB YON knyghte     .        ,        .        .        .        .        .        .        iiij^

Colwen           Receved  of   Thomas Colwell  for  his  lycence for  pryntinge  of   a

ballett intituled ffayre Wordes makes fooles fayne



Receved  of   Thomas  Colwell  for  his  lycence  for pryntinge  of   a
ballett intituled a mery ieste made of the alphabett Src /         iiij*


Receved of Thomas purfoote for his lycence for prynting of a
ballett intituled gevynge tvarnynge to all folke to beware how thay
Ryde vpon  WarmesTERs Colte.....iiij*


Receved of Thomas purfoote for his lycence for pryntinge of a
boke intituled a cathechesme betivene an olde man and a
chylde  ■   .


L haryson          Receved   of   lucas  haryson  for   his   lycence   for  prynting   of


history of SAMPSON



Recevyd of Edmonde hally. for his lycence for pryntinge of
a stronge monster ivhich came oute of the sea and ivas slayne in
the  [? land of] Judea.......iiijd

I. 295
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