A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 323  

* R. Jugge.

J. Cawood.

22 July 1566—22 July 1567.



of Xt^rfiarli BnuQt aitH
0ofin ^as^ tfitn WB^vtjitns

of tfte €0mp»nu( of the Stae(o«ev!S of all
0ttefte fsomtneis of ntowge as Hatli eownte to
tftagve Imntres fvom tfte jrjrif'^ Hage of Stilu

anno 1566 dnto tlie yiyiij Hage of Sttll* anno
1567 inWeli S!5 ^>S t^^ s^ace of otte Itole gere
ass IQfbloUietIt

master Seres




Uttt»tt$ for vwswtinfle
of i)r^tt$;sse$

Wylliam Jackson tlie sonne of Wylliam Jacson late of edgewayre
in the County of medlesex husboundman Deceassed hath put
hym self apprentes to Wylliam Seres Cetizen and stacioner of
London / from the feaste of saynte James the appostle [25 July]
anno 1566 vij yeres ........        vj


John Robertes the sonne of John Robertis of Wyckham in
the County of ham [p] shyre yeoman hath put hym self apprentes
to henry hammande Cetizen and stacioner of London from the
feaste of saynte James the apostle [25 July] anjiD 1533 viij
yeres        ..........        vj*^

gregory Seton the sonne of n\ ^holas Seton of helmedon in the
County of Northhampton hi:^boundman Deceassed hath put
hym self apprentes to John Judson Cetizen and stacioner of
London / from the feaste of saynt mychell the archangell [29
September] anno 1566    viij yeres    .....        vj


Wylliam hodgeson the sonne of Thomas hodgeson late of LondoxY
cloth Worker Deceassed hath put hym self apprentes to Thomas
purfoote Cetizen,and stacioner of London / from the feaste of all
sayntes [1 November] anno 1566   vij yeres      .       [no s-mn stated^

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