A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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[ 2151>                        22 July 1571—22 July 1572.                w.seres.{^^^y;]

[ This page is entirely blank in the Original. ]

(Continued from previous page*)

haue had, and dayly haue of the very same coimsaylours, who also are the more to be allowed of her
Maiestie, in that she seeth, and of her owne meere knowledge truely vnderstandeth, that al the perticuler
matters wherewith the sayd libellers labour to charge the sayd counsaylours as offences, be vtterly
improbable and false, as in like maner generally, al others her Maiesties counsellours, ministers, and
subiectes of vnderstandyng, in euery degree, do repute, accept, and know the same to be : so as both
of her Maiestie, and of al other her good counsaylers and noble men, this theyr attempt is vnderstanded to
be the worke of canckred enuie and malice, and the accustomed wont of suche men as be possessed with
those spirites, when they can not, ne dare not openly assayle her princely Maiestie by force or open
doynges, then to goe about to pull from her Maiestie her faythful and trustie counsaylours, by false
calumnies, or with faigned and surmised tales, to make variance, yf they coulde, gelousie, and discorde
amonges her highnesse counsaylours, who hytherto with muche concorde and good agreement, haue,
as it is wel scene, serued prosperously her hyghnesse.

And therefore her Maiestie hauyng regarde to be thankeful to almyghtie God for his blessyng of her
with his protection in her gouernment these many yeeres, and for that cause myslykyng to suffer the same
to be in this sorte by suche infamous libelles obscured, defamed, and blasphemed, eyther presently, or in
tyme to come, by the secrete dispearsyng of the same bookes and libelles, eyther within her Realme, or
abroade in forraigne language : and in lyke manner, beyng vnwyllyng to haue suche as be her wyl tryed
and approoued faythful seruauntes and counsaylours to be thereby taxed, altogeather with manifest
vntruethes impudently vttered, to the dishonour of' her Maiestie, to whom they are counsailours : hath
therfore thought necessary, and so by aduice of others of her counsayle and nobilitie, whose reputation is
also moste certainely taxed by the said manyfest slaunders and vntruethes, she willeth that by this her
Maiesties pubhque declaration, it be knowen, that the sayde bookes and libelles be of her Maiestie, and of
her counsayle, esteemed, iudged, and condemned, to be the workes of despisers of Gods true religion, of
obstinate traytours against her Maiesties person, estate, and dignitie, and of vnnatural and mahgnant
enuiers of the common good tranquiHtie of her Realme, who the more to abuse some sympler sort of people,
do delyuer and shewe of certayne thynges pretended for the safetie of her Maiesties person and estate,
the same beyng in deede moste manyfest and direct practises to mine her person, and to ouerthrowe her
estate : And therewith chargeth al manner of persons, to despise, reiect, and destroy suche bookes
and libelles, whensoeuer they shal come to theyr handes, for the malitious slaunders and vntruethes
conteyned in them, and that no man wyllyngly do bryng into this Realme, dispearse, dispose, or delyuer
to any other, and keep anye of the sayde bookes or libelles without destroying, excepte the same person be
one of her Maiesties priuie counsayle, or otherwyse for reasonable respectes, be duely licensed to haue the
same to peruse, and to feprooue, accordyng to the qualitie thereof, vpon payne to be by any publique
officer, who may haue notice thereof, apprehended, and thereupon to be punished as sowers of sedition,
and abbettours to the treasons vttered in the same.       xxviij. die Septemhr. 1573.

God saue the Queene

l^ Imprinted    at   London   by   Newgate

market, next vnto Christes Churche, by Richarde lugge, Printer

to tbe Queenes Maiestie.

^ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

From copy at 2?. 151 of the Grenville Proclamations in the British Museum.]

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