A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 470  

[ 219 h                      20 July 1574-20 July 1575.            ^-^"gge.|^^tte. ]

The saide accompte on th[e] other side of this leafe fynished the xx*^ Daie of
July 1675  And  then all th [e] implementes plate and goodes belonginge to the

howse and conteined in an Inventarie indented And also the some of--------------/

beinge the foote of the same accompte / The said Richard Tottle and william
Cooke haue Deliuered and paid to John Daie and Thomas marshe wardens for the
yere insuinge with theis specialties folowinge /

An Obligation of master Judson for     .        .        .        .        xvij^^

A Bill of the chamberlen whereof is Due to ye hall

The whole bill beinge xxv-^^.....xj^  xv^

[See i?. 480.]

Item another bill of the Chamberlen which parteynithe
not to the hall and was taken vp of the Cumpanie for

provision of Corne Anno 1573 amountinge to      .        .         Ixij^^     x^

[John Stow gives us the following account of the ' dearth without
scarcity' in London in 1573:—This yeere about Lammas [1 August],
wheate was sold at London for three shillings the bushell, but shortly
after it was raised to foure shillmgs, fiue shillings, sixe shillings, and
before Christmas to a noble [6s. 8d.] and seven shillings, which so
continued long after. Beefe was sold for twenty pence, and two and
twentie pence the stone, and all other flesh and white meats at an
excessiue price : all kinde of salt fish very deere, as fiue herrings [for]
two pence, &c. yet great plentie of fresh fish, and oft times the same
very cheape. Bay salt at three shiUings the bushell, &c. All this
dearth notwithstanding (thanks be giuen to God) there was no want
of any thing to him that wanted not money,   p. 1147, Ed. 1600.

For the Lord Mayor's second Precept, dated September 1573, for
corn-money, see^. 480.]

Item Deliuered into the hall certen copies which haue
ben   printed   this   yere.   As by  a  particuler   booke

thereof made appearithe.

[This ' particuler booke' is the lost Register of Book Entries.]

Item Deliuered to the newe wardens which was
CoUectid toward the provision of Gunpowdder as
appearithe by the bill of names thereof nowe Deliuered

to the said newe wardens    ......           vj^^   iij^

[We have not been able to find room for the Lord Mayor's Precept
for gunpowder dated 19 August 1574 any nearer to this entry, to
which it belongs, than at j9. 488.]

Item Recevyd of master Bynneman for wearinge the

lettre [^tppe] that came from Hempsted        .        .        .                    xv®

[i. e. for the use of the type seized on that occasion.]

% me Jhon Daye

By me Thomus murshe

I. 470
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