A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 475  

[ iwSSs. jw. Sere..            20 Julj 1576—9 July 1577.                          222 ]

tfte Comjianic of Statiomrs or aW »mh(
^omntesi of ntoneu its ftatie i^otttmc to tMtr
ftantrejs from tfie y;p^ 5ra(e of SulCe X576
tinttW tfie (K*& 2ia(e of Sulge X577> tliat in to
ssjtge for owe twHole gere as folotuetii.

[With this Annual Account we resume in Register B, our detailed knowledge of the Company's affairs.
As he states at II. 35; Eichard Collins, of the Goldsmiths' Company, was on the 30th May 1575 sworn the
Clerk of the Stationers' Company ; which office he held for some thirty-eight years, dying about 1613 a.d.
Naturally with the change of Clerk came a variation m the mode of keeping the Company's Books ; as we
shall see on reaching Register B. The rest of this volume is occupied by the annual Summary Cash
Abstracts, which were signed by the Auditors, of the sectional and detailed entries of Register B.]

Inprimis   Eeceaued   of  John   Daie   and   Thomas   Marshe
Wardens for the yere paste for the foote of their accompte

as by the same Accompte appearethe.....

Eeceaued   of  flfraunces   Coldock   and   Henrie   Conneway
Renters for the foote of their accompte

Eeceaued for licencinge of Copies ....

[These Book Entries will be found in II. 301—315.]

Eeceaued foe, presentinge of apprentices

[The names of these Apprentices will be found in II. 65—77.]

Eeceaued for fynes for breakinge of orders

[The particulars of these fines will be found in II. fol. 404-5.]

Eeceaued for admittinge of ffreemen    ...        »                    xl^

[The names of these Freemen will be found in II. 673-4.]

Eeceaued of Henrie myddleton for receavinge him into the

liuerye          ..........                 xx^

Summa Totalis of the Eeceiptes----------------

xiiji^    xij»








its foloUietJu hip

[_One entry omitted.']
Paide to ffrauncis Godlif by guift of the Companie to surcease
his sute for the priveledge for bindinge of bookes in vellom                       xP

\_Three entries omitted.]
£For allowance towarde the feaste Dynner        .        .        .        .       v^^ /

Item for a booke of entrances for the clarke    .        .        .        .                  vj^

[This was undoubtedly Register B, which beginning in 1576 was in full use till
1595, and some parts of it till 1605.]

Summa of the Paymentes Laid oute —---------——

Soe resteth Due to the hall -

I. 475
  Page 475