A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 481  

[ G.BSho™>'^°*«'-              8 July 1578-^11 July 1579.                                225]

^"^mJ't'' ®<»<^ accontjife of Sofitt

tmtut^Axtitm'^avvi^on  th[t]tltitv anDf
"""'toaS'T'' mov^t Htsisftou tajav&Mtss

Df tfte Comjiante of stactoneris of all Stidte
$onttne!$ of ittonncg as ftatte Come to tfteitr
ftantres fvont tfte (Jtij'* rsmc of SuUe 1578* tintill
tfte );)* trate of Suite X579* ®ftat i^ to sa(e fov
otte Uiftole geve as follotoetft*

Inprimis receiued of the wardens of the laste yeere  for the
foote of their accompte as by the same> accompte appeareth

the some of   .......••        •    —■-------------------

Item receaued of Richarde Greene and Rafe Newbery renters

for the foote of their accompte       .        .        .        .        .        •   viij^^    xvij«     ix^^ /

Jr^if RECEAUED FOR LiCEi^ciNGE OF Copies    ....   viij^^  xviij ^      x^

[For particulars, see II., 331—356.]

Item receaued for presentinge of apprentices      .        .     iij^^      xv^ /

[For names, see II., 86—92.]

It JEM  receaued   for   fines   for   breakinge   of   orders

and for master Barkers dispensacon from the rentershippe       .   viij^^    viij^       x^

[For particulars of fines, see II., fol. 406—407 h.    This is the. first recorded
mstance in which the service as ^ Renter' is compounded for by a money payment.]

Item receaued for admittinge of ffreemen   .        .        .     iij^^

[For names, see II., 679—680.]
Item receaued this yeere of Clemente Draper and Henrie
Clitheroe   twoe   paiementes   of xP   a  peece   in  parte  of
paiemente  of   tenne   poundes  heretoefore  lente  toward   the
repairinge of Yarmouth Haven      ......    iiij^^

Item for lettinge of the hall to the wardmote inquest      .        .                 vj®  viij^

Item receaued of master watkins in lieu  of his twoe siluer

spones for his twice beinge warden         .....                xP

Item receaued  of master marshe in lieu of a siluer  spone

for his once beinge wardenne         ......       \jio sum stated']

Summa Totalis of the receiptes-------------------

A Transcript (^"g.                                     31                                                               I. 481
  Page 481