A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 489  

[ l-^itSi- !^-^»y-          U July 1580—10 July 1581.                        229 ]

*X»ter     ®fte    arcottinipie    of
""'"SS/*    m-atinc(!S ©oUrocft ta)avl»=

ens of tfte eoitt^ante of Stadonarst fotr
all Sttefte Somtnes of tnonweg ass ftaue
iromme to tftetv ftanSjres from tfte >rf* trjt(e
of SttKe 1580* dnttll tfte ^entft Hag^ <»f
Suite X581 tftat ^n to sage, fov one tuftole
geei;e as foloiuetfte^ /

Inprimis Eeceaued of the wardens of the Laste yeere for
the foote of their accoumpte as by the same accoumpte
appeareth the Somme of   .

Item Receaued of Henrie Denham renter for the foote of
his accoumpte (william Crooke renter with him beinge
deceased in this yeere) the somme of        ...        .

Item receaued for Licencinge oe Coppies

[These Book Entries will be found in II., 375—396.J

Item receaued for Presentinge of Apprentices    .

[The names of these Apprentices will be found in II., 100—105.]

Item Receaued for fines for breakeinge of Orders
[The particulars of these fines will be found in II., 408 &.]

Item  Receaued for admittinge of ffreemen and
bretherenne .........

[The names of these Freemen will be found in II., 683-4.]

Item Receaued this yeere of Clement Draper and Henrie
Clitheroe in parte of paiemente of Tenne poundes
heretofore Lente towarde the repaireinge of Yarmouth
Haven   ye   somme  of      ......        .                       xl®

Item receaued  of the   Chamberlaine  for  alloweaunce for

Three Souldiors Coates the somme of       ...        .                      xv®

Item Receaued for Lettinge ye Hall to the wardmot inquest                         x®

Item Receaued for Lettinge the Hall to Weddinges whereof
one was for a poore woman and th[e] other for master
Blands Daughter      .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .                    xiij®   iiij^
















Summa totallis of the Receiptes is

I. 489
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