A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 503  

[ ITetSy. ji^Hari«»«.         10 July 1583—10 July 1584.                         236 ]

mmtev I

Wit    ^tmttmptt    ni

<if tUe €uinjijtnte of Stai:o«et"s5> fov all
SttcHe sotttmes of ntottueg ass ftauc €omm«
to Witiv MnXftn fvom tlie l^entli Ha^e of
Sul|) 1583* linttll tl»e ®entli Bagc of Sulije
\5S\, ®ftat t!5 to sate for owe toholle gere
as follotuetli. U^ I

Inprimis Receaved of tlie wardens of the laste yere for the

foote of their Accoumpte as by the same Accoumpte appeareth.---------------------

Item   receaved   of  Henry   Myddleton   and   william   Seres

[' the younger '~\ Renters for the foote of their Accoumpte .        xvij^^  xix^  iiij*^ /

Item Receaued for licencinge of Copies          ...              j^^    iij^ iiij^

[For particulars, see IL, 426--433.]

Item Receaved for presentinge of prentices .        .        .              v^^     x^ /

[For particulars, see IL, 118—125.]

Item receaved for fines for breakinge of orders     .               j^^    ij^   vj*^

[For particulars, see IL, fol. 410 h.']

Item   receaued    for   admyttinge   of    freemen    and

brethren            .........             iij^^    vj® viij^ /

[For names, see IL, 690-1.]

Item   Receaved  for  lettinge  the   hall  to   the  wardemote

enqueste     ..........          \_no sum statecf]

Item Receaued for lettinge the hall to a weddinge        .         .                    viij® /

[Notice how the hire of the hall for such an occasion has gone
up.    In January 1555, it was iijs nyd • gee p. 33.]

Item  Receaved  of  master   Coldocke   for   Catechismes   that

were   had   from   John   woulf   and   menconed   in   master

Coldookes accoumpte as though yt were to haue beene paid

by Thomas Purfoote........              ij^^     x® /

[Seei?. 499.]

Item Receaued for benefitt of the psalmes in quarto prynted

by woulf........        .        .              j^^    vj® /

Summa totallis of the Receiptes---------------------

I. 503
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