A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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[ l:llrtLy. l^^- To"!*'         10 July 1584—10 July 1585.                         239 ]

m UU0iB[e]fU. I

[Five entries omitted.]

Item paid for Thomas Drapers exhibicon for one whole yere

Due at mydsomer this yeere    .......          v^V

Item paid to the Churchewardens of Sainct Marye at Hill for
one whole yeeres payement of the Anuytie graunted by master
kevall, The said yeere ending at our lady Daie in Lente laste
paste [25 March 1585]........v^^

Item paid to master Trippe for a Sermon preached the vj^^ of
maye [1585] before the Cumpanie in memory all of the
beenefytt of master Lambe      .......                 yj^  viij^ /

Item gyven to w^illiam   Tarte toward his relief the xv*^ of

September 1584.........                 v^

Item gyven by order of a full Courte of Assistantes to George

"Wapull toward his voyage vnto Norembegue    ....                 x® /

[This is a most interesting entry. Gr. Wapull was the Clerk of the Company
between 1571-5. One is curious to know what expedition to America (Norem-
bega) he embarked in. It may possibly have been the second Virginian expe¬
dition sent out in April 1585 by Sir W. Raleigh.]

Item gyven to Lant for warninge the  Cumpanie duringe the

tyme of Tymothies [i. e. Timothy Rider] Removement       .        .                  ij^ /

[One entry omitted.]

Item paid for newe Armor, mendinge of old Armore, in guiftes
to Captaines, prest money. Charges of Breakefastes, and
victualles at Greenewiche, for and concerninge the xxvij^^®
men trayned in Maye this yeere, As by the billes of the
particulers thereof may appeare        ......         Ij^^   x^    vij^ /

[Stow's account of this Muster is as follows :—

In the month of Aprill about the 14. day, by commandement of her Maiesty,
the citizens of London appoiuted out of their companies of the same citie, to the
number of 4000. men, with armor, ensignes, drums, fifes, and other furniture for
the wars, the greater part of which were shot, the other were pikes, and halbards
in faire corselets : all those to be trayned vp vnder expert captaines, with
sergeants of the bands, wiflers, and other necessary officers, mustered, and
skirmished dayly at Miles end, and in Saint Georges field : and on the 18. of
May (hauing ouer night set forward out of S. Georges field) mustered in the
parke at Greenewich, and skirmished before the Queenes maiestie / who gaue to
them great thanks for their actiuitie and paines.  p. 1182. Ed. 1600.]

Item paid in fees to our learned Councell, To [a or his] Clerke
for Copying of Draughtes And other Charges concerninge a bill
preferred into the parlament howse towchinge matters requisyte
for this Cumpanie, As by the particulers of the same Charges
Appereth, and to master Gtrafton [the Bannister] and his man
for their paynes       .        .        .        .        ,        .        .        .        .        vj^^    x^ /

Item gyven to my Lord mayor, he sendinge for our mayster

and the two wardens to Dynner in the behalf of the Cumpanie         vj" /

[The names of those invited to represent the Company in each year at the
Lord Mayor's feast on the 9th November, will be found at the beginning of the
next Volume. ]

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