A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 513  

[ H.oo^Iway.!'• '*''""^"-         10 J^ 1585—10 Julj 1586.                        241 ]

Stiidonetr!$> tot all stti^ite somtttes of monc^
as ftade i^omtne to theivc fmnt((^t tvom the
f^ tf^^e ot Sttlu* 1585. liiitttl tlie p^> tru^c
ot Sttlge X586. ^Itat is to sa^e, tox om
IvHolle geve ftsfolloSoctlie.   Wih I

Inprimis Receaved of the wardens of the laste yere for the
foote of theire Accompte as by the same Accompte

Item, Eeceaved of Gabriell Cawood and Peter Connewaye
Renters, for the foote of theire Accompte

Item Receaved for lycencinge of Copies
[For particulars, see II., 443—448.]

Item Receaved for presentinge of prentises

[For particulars, see II., 135—141.]

Item Receaved for fines for breakinge of orders   .       xx^

[For particulars, see 11., fol. 411 b.]

Item  Receaved   for   admittinge   of   freemen   and

brethren and in a debte of xx^ due by christofer Payne a

brother   admitted   the  laste  yere before,   and   Receyved

[*. e. the 205.] this yere     .......        iiiji^        x^

[For names, &c., see II., 695—697.]

Receaved for lettinge the Hall to the ward mote enqueste .                   xiij»    iiij^

Item Receaved for admyttinge of Twoo ffreemen into the

Lyverye. Viz. Thomas Man and John Wyndett    ...                     xP

Somme totalis of the Receiptes----------------------





xviij ^





A Transcript ^c.                                  33                                                    j^ 523
  Page 513