A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 518  

[243(1                                  10 July 1586—10 July 1587.             W. Norton. {«;^^op^ J

rnthe nommc^ of tnotttteii ji» Mhc nomine
to tftetv ftantress from tfte ^entfte Hage of
Hitiljje. 1580* tintiW tfte IKetttfte IBage of
Stage. 1587* ®ftat (s to ^jtge fot owe
iuftole geve ais foUol»etft.   SFijW

Mttn»U$. ^

Inprimis, Receaved of the wardens of the Laste yere for
the foote of their Accoumpte as by the same Aceoumpt
appeareth, the somme of  .        .        .        .        .        .        .          —-------------------

Item Eeceaved of master Henrye Connewaye
Administratour to Peter Connewaye Elder Eenter
deceased for the foote of the saide Peters Accoumpte, as by
the same Accoumpte appeareth the somme of    .        .        .        xviij^       j®   viij* /

Item  Eeceaved   for lycencinge of Copies this yere

as by the Clerkes booke appeareth.....iiij^  xiiij®      vj* /

[Here Register B goes by the name of the* Clerk's book.'   For par¬
ticulars, see II., 449—473.]

Item Eeceaved  for  presentinge  of  prentises   this

YERE, as by the same booke appeareth.      ....            iij^*        x® /

[For names, see II., 142—147.]

Item Eeceaved  for admyttinge  of  ffreemen as by

the same booke appeareth          . •      .        .        .        .        .           iiij^        x® /

[For names, see II., 698—700.]

Item receaued for fynes for breakinge of orders  .                          j®     x* /

[For particulars, see II.,/o^. 412.]
Item receaved by waye of Contrybution of certen of the
Cumpanye toward the charges of the suynge out of the newe
orders of the Starre Chamber, as was agreed vpon by order
of Courte, as in the Clerkes booke appeareth, the somme of            x^

viz of master barker v^^ and th [e] assignes of Richard Day v^

Summa totalis of the Eeceiptes        —---------------------

I. 518
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