A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 523  

r H. BEdSon. \j. Judson.         10 July 1587—10 July 1588.                          246 1

L H. Conneway.)                                              J                                      J                                                                     J

^*t.'.t^fr   ^^^    ^K^onmi^t^    of

12lai;))rm$ of ttie €nm^

pnnut ot 3itmon^» btUihc f^cnvge €onf

n^toa^e   turn etcxt^tf   antr   i;)io!$ett to lie

toai;tren in ntette  ot ^mt^e Mu'^tiUton

iahoe Jre^atteSjr tftts liet ^hont tJie latter

mtf of fltifitt^te in tfte ftrsste (juavter of ftiss toM^m^

nfiipp^ ttov all suefte ^owntes of monneji ass ftaue eome

to tftefv ftattires> tfrow tfte ^cnthc liage of Sulge 15S7*

bnt^U tfte ^entfte Hate of 3ttl2« 1588. / ®ftat in to

sage, Ifbif one luftoUe geetre as foUotnetft. / Wi^* I

Inprimis Eeceaued of the wardens of the laste yeere for the
foote of their Accoumpte, As by the same Accoumpte
appeareth, the some of.......------------------—

Item Eeceaued of Thomas Styrrop Renter for the foote of
his Accoumpte, As by the same Accoumpte appeareth,
the somme of.........xiij^^      xv® iiij* /

Item Receaued for lycencinge of Copyes this yeere

As by the Clerkes booke appeareth......           ijii xviij®  iiij* /

[For particulars, see II., 474—493.]

Jr^jf Receaued for presentinge of prentices this yeere,

As by the same booke appeareth         .....           ijii     xv® /

[For names, see II., 148—152.]

Item Receaued   for admyttinge  of  xix*^^®   freemen,

as by the same booke appeareth ......          iijii      iijs  ijjjd j

[For names, see II., 701—702.]

Item receaued for fynes for breakinge of orders       .                      ijs /

[For particulars, see 11,, fol. 412.]

Item Receaued of ]VIaster Richard Greene for that he
executed not the yo[u]nger wardenship beinge chosen warden,
the somme of v^\ whereof L® is to the vse of the hall, and
the other I® is to the vse of master Connewaye whoe was
chosen warden vpon master Greenes refusall, to whiche
master Connewaye the said 1® belongeth by th[e]ordonaunces                       L® for the

[We have seen at p. 481, the first instance of the Rentership being                     Cumpanye /

compounded for by a money payment: this is the first recorded instance in
which the higher office of Wardenship was similarly refused and com¬
pounded for. Tliis money substitution is quite in accordance with the customs
of the City of London. Even at the present day, the Lord Mayor refusing
to serve when elected, is fined £1,000.]

Item Receaued of william Ponsonbye and Edward white for
their Admission into the Lyverye xx® the peece         .        .               "^      xl® /

I. 52a
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