A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 537  

[ ISwood^lK-^-^^'-      10 July 1589—15 July 1590.                         253 ]

mn^ttv tm^tum

m^ntex I

^''«a?S?rf    ©aftmll Catooo^ \n^xr$

ens of tfte i:^(imt>itns ot %t^tio\itx% tox all
jsttcfte SDttttnes ot mottneg m Mm somm^
to tixtix ftjtnSjresi ffom tfte ®entft( trate of
Sttlse 1589* fttttm tfte IRftentfte 33a(e of
Sttlue 1590 ®ftat ts to sas«i tfov one
iuftolle fiere as follotoetfte   ®t|. /

Inprimis. Receaued of master ffrauncis Coldock and master
Henrye Denham wardens of the laste yere for the foote of
their accoumpte, as by the same accoumpte Appearethe the

somme of .........        •        ——---------—■—

Item receaued of Thomas woodcock Renter for the foote of
his   accoumpte as by the same accoumpte appearethe the

Somme of..........xxvj^^               x^./

Item Receaued for lycensinge of Copies this yere, as

in the Clerkes booke appearethe.....iiij^'     iiij® viij^

[For particulars, see II., 625—554.]                                                 Item vj^

Item receaved for presentinge of prentizes this yere                    moore

as by the same booke appearethe        . -    .        .        .        .            vj^^ xvij®    vj^ /

[For names, see II., 160—170.]

Item  Receaved   for   admyttinge   of    freemen    and

BRETHEREN as by the same booke appearethe      .        .        .           iiJ^V

[For names, see II., 706—707.]

/r^if Receaued FOR FYNES FOR BREAKINGE OF ORDERS        .                 xviij®     x^

[For particulars, see IL, fol. 413—413 h.]

master whites and Robert Robinsons is not here Comprised./

Item Receaued moore of Robert Robinson for his fine         .                      ij®

Item Receaved of G-regorye Seton and Roberte Hill for their

admission into the Liverye ^x® a peece       ....                     xl® /

Item Receaued of master Man for a weddinge in the hall    .                       v® /

Item-   Receaved   by  th[e h]andes   of   John Wolf,   for   a

Quarterne  [26]  of the Shorte Dictionaries sould to master

White xij® iiij*, and Receaved more of Robert Dexter for

j"" [100] o{ shorte Dictionaries ii^^  ix®  iiij*        .            .        .           iij^       j®  viij*/

I. 537
  Page 537