A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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[ 263 ft                       15 July 1591—15 July 1592.      r.coidooke. jf-fs-jf-^y.

[ This page is entirely hlanh in the Original. ]

[Continued from pp. 544 and 552.]

[It appears from Hakluyt's Voyages d;c., II. 176, Ed. 1600, that these seven vessels'were the 'London supplies' sent out
for the fleet of Lord Thomas Howard who had been cruizing aU the summer about the Azores, waiting for the great
Spanish fleets then expected both from the West and Bast Indies: in which cruize Sir Richard Grenville fought that
wonderful sea-fight, losing both his ship (the Revenge) and his life in that most glorious defeat.

This London fleet was under the command of Master Robert Plicke, whose account Hakluyt prints. They left
Plymouth on the 17th August 1591: and he incidentally names the following of them, excluding his own ship ; the
Cherubin, Margaret and John, Centurion, and Costly. They were all scattered by violent storms; but Master Flicke
managed to reach Plymouth by the 24th October 1591, with one prize, the Nostra Senora de los Remedios.

What became of these London ships in the winter of 1591-2 we know not; but they evidently formed part of Sir Walter
Raleigh's expedition of fourteen or fifteen ships, which left Plymouth on the 6th May 1592, and which, after his own
recall by the Queen, was under the joint command of S§r John Brotjgh and Sir Martin Frobisher. This fleet also made
what was then called the * Island Voyage'; that is, they cruized to and about the Azores, waiting for the annual fleet of
five Portuguese carracks—ships then thought to be of prodigious size—which brought to Spain the spices, gems, ivory,
silks, &c., of the East. The fleet of this year consisted of the J3uen Jesus, Madre de Dios, San Bernardo, San Christophoro,
and the Santa Cruz.

The Portuguese set the Santa Cruz on fire off "the island of the same name in June, ia order to prevent the English
possessing her: but our men put out the fire and saved somewhat of the cargo : and on the 3rd August they captured, after
much fighting, the Madre de Dios ; and brought her into Dartmouth harbour on the 7th September. The value of the cargo
was prodigious, and was probably equal to over a million of money of the present day. Thus it came to pass that all the
compelled adventurers of 1591 received back in 1593-4 about T^wenty-four shillings in the pound; including the Stationers'
Company, as by the Special Account at p. 569 appears.

The following Act of Common Council was passed on the 15th December 1592.

At this Common Counsell it is Enacted graunted and agreed by the right honorable the Lord Maiour,
the right Worshipful Th[e]aldermen his Bretheren and the Commons in this Commen Councell assembled
and by th[e]aucthoritie of the same that Sir John Harte knight, Master Offely Master Saltonstall
Aldermen Thomas Bramly haberdasher, Thomas Cambell Ironmonger, and George Sotherton
merchauntailor together with Sir George Barne knight, and John Castline mercer or soe many
of them as from tyme to tyme may Convenienthe be gotten together, shall and may for and one the
behaK of all such of the seuerall Companies of this Cyttie as have adventured in the late fleete sett fore-
wards by Sir Walter Raleighe knight and others, Joyne with such honorable personages and others as
the Queenes most Excellent Maiestie hath nominated and appoynted. And to take a perfecte Yiewe of all
such goodes, prizes, spices, Jewelles, Pearles Treasure and other Merchaundize and thinges whatsoever as
weare lately taken in the Carraque. And to make Sale, Division, particion and delyuerie, to and for every
seuerall Company owner and Adventurer of a full just and proporconable parte thereof accordinge to euery
of there adventures with paying of wages, freightes and all manner of Costes dueties and Chardges forth of
the sayde Prizes goodes wares and merchaundizes as from tyme to tyme shalbe dewe reasonable and
Convenient. And also for the ordering and disposinge of all such goodes, wares, and Merchaundizes as
are allready solde Delyuered or taken owte of the sayd Carraque, and fore receaving of all Somes of money
made or to be made vpon the Sale thereof

Journal 2^, fol. 156.

[The Master Rowe of this clause of this Act of Common Council pf the 22nd May 1593 is the same as the Master Rowe
at p. 669.]

And it is lykewise Enacted by the aucthorytie aforesayd that all such Bondes as shalbe taken by the
Committees appoynted by Commen Counsell for Sale of the Carrackes goodes shalbe made Sealed and
delyuered vnto Henry Rowe Mercer and John Newman grocer onlie vppon trust to and for the vse of
such of the severall Companies of this Cyttie and others as are interessed in the sayd Carrickes goodes./

Journal 2Z,fol. 196.
It will be seen at p. 575 that the Civic Authorities made an assessment on these * Carrack gains' for the ' newe buildinges
in the feildes,' ]

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