A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 564  

[ 266 il                        15 July 1592—15 July 1593.      a Bishop. jfJ^-^-y.

[ This page is entirely blank in the Original, ]
[A Warrant of Loud Chancellor  Sir N. Bacon  in  1559-60.

It appears from the documents reprinted below and on 'py. 570 and 676, that the Queen's Printers were paid for some
if not all their Proclamations by a warrant of the Lord Chancellor on the Clerk of the Hanaper, after their Account and
the Warrant thereon had been examined by the Clerk of the Crown.

1.   20 November 1558—[] June] 1559.   The Queen's Printers' Account.

Unfortunately the lower half of this Account containing the "Warrant fee, has been torn off. It is evidently the very
first one rendered by them. It is noticeable that it is rendered in their joint names, though the first Proclamation was
issued in R, Jugge's name only, see p. 129.

These Accounts are also of importance as'proving that the Grenville Collection of Elizabeth's Proclamations—probably
the most comprehensive in existence—is not complete : while at the same time it contains several which are unaccount¬
ably omitted in them. These we have inserted in square brackets [ ], as they are styled on the originals themselves or in
the List (printed in 1618) prefixed to the Grenville Collection, by Humphrey Dyson who formed it.

Allowaunce to be geven to Richarde Jugge and John Cawoode Printers to the quenes Maiestie,
for printing of sundry bookes Actes of parlyament and proclamacons for the servyce of the
Quenes highnes as foloweth   *. •

In primis for three bookes of the [w]hole statutes delyuered the xxij day of

January 1558 [^. e. 1559]...........                        xls

Item yc [500] proclamacons declaring the Deathe of quene mary, and
proclaymyng the quenes Maiestie to he quelle of Englond [One leaf. Has
no date] delyuered the xx* day of nouember 1558......                      xxijs    yjd

Item iiijc [400] proclamations prohibiting All persons to set fourthe any
Shippes of vesselles to the Sea, ivithout the quenes highnes Lycence vnder the
Seale of the Admiralty, [One leaf.   Dated and] Delyuered the xxj of December

1558...............                       xvjs viijd

Item C vj [106] Proclamacons prohibiting all persons to preach except suche
as were lycenced therto by the quenes maiestie [One leaf. Dated and] Deliuered

the 27 December 1558...........                      viijs

Item yc [500] proclamacons prohibiting the eating of flesh in the tyme of lent
and other fasting dayes, [One leaf.   Dated 7th] Deliuered the viij"^ Day of

ffebruary 1558 [i. e. 1559]..........                      xxijs    vjd

[A proclamation/or the execution of the Act of 1 Edvp-ard yi. made against
such as speake vnreuerently of the Sacrament of the Altar, and commanding
that the same Sacrament should be receiued in both kindes. Two leaves.
Dated 22 March 1559]

Item iijc [300] proclamacons declaring the peax [or xb,%]iqv peace'] taken hetwen
the quenes highnes and the French king (&g [One leaf.  Dated the 7th] Deliuered

the viij* day of Aprill 1559...........                        xxs

[A proclamation/or the Marchaunt aduenturers, and against transportation

of money, gold, and bullion.   One leaf.   Dated 1 May 1559.]

Item yc [500] proclamacons of the acte declaring certen offenses to he made

2^rdaso?i Deliuered the xiiij* Day of May 1559   .......             iijii     vijs    vjd

[Not in the Grenville Collection.]

Item yc [500] proclamacons of the acte of parliament to revyve a statute made
>in the xxiij yere of King H[enry] the eight touching the conveying of horses
mares and Geldinges into Scotland Deliuered the xiiij* day of May 1559        .                     xxijs    vjd

[Not in the Grenville Collection.]

Item yc [500] proclamations of the acte of parly ament prohibiting the carying
of lether Tallowe and Bawe hydes out of the Bealme for merchandise to be
felony. Deliuered the said xiiij* Day of May 1559      ......                        xlvs

[Not in the Grenville Collection,]

Item yc [500] proclamacons prohibiting enterludes and playes, [One leaf.                          ^.^

Dated and] Dehuered the xvj Day of may 1559 ,......                     xxijs    vj^

Item yc [500] proclamacons against suche persons as ryde with Dagge[r]s.

[One leaf.   Dated 17 May 1559]..........                     xxys    vj<i

(The rest is tor7i away.)                                              ,  ,,

Add. MS. 5166, fol. 135, in British Museum.

The two following in the Grenville Collection may also have been included in this Account.
A Proclamation/or keeping the peace in London.    One leaf.   Dated 13th August 1559.
A Proclamation against selling of Shippes.   One leaf.   Dated 23rd August 1559.]

[Continued on page 570,]

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