A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 1)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 571  

[ ?b"' !^-'^**"'-        15 J^^ly 1594 —15 July 1595.                          270 ]


of tfte ©ottt^itnge of Stai^onev^ for all
iStt<;He isummes of tnoweg us limte «otttnte to
tftetv fmntres frottt tfte }:hi^} of Stil^e 159^
Jintill tfte 0tfe of Swlge 1595 tftat i^ to
sa^e fotr ©we iuftolle ueave as foUobietft*



[This Abstract is noticeable as the first occasion in which Arabic numerals are
regularly used in this Register to express sums of money, instead of the old
Roman iiijd, viijd &c.]

Inprimis, Receaved for the foote of the Last yeares accoumpte
as by the same appeareth         .......

Item Eeceaved of John Wyndett and William Ponsonbye
Renters for the foote of their accoumpte as by the same
accoumpte appeareth        ........        15^  01®   02^

Item Receaved  for lycencinge  of Copies this yeare as

by the Clerkes booke appeareth......04^   11»  00^

[For particulars, see II., 656—672 and 293—300.]

Item Receaved for presentinge of prentizes this yeare

as by the Clerkes booke appeareth   ......        07^   12®  06^

[For names, see II., 195—205.]

Item Receaved for admittinge of freemen this yeare as

by the same booke appeareth   .        .        .        .        .        .        .        02^^ 06® 08^

[For names, see II., 714—715.]

Jr^iif Receaved in fynes for breakinge of orders    .        .        00^^ 01® 06^

[For particulars, see IL, fol. 394.]

Item Receaved for lettinge the hall to the wardmote Enqueste  .        01^ 00®   00^

Item Receaved of Roger Warde in parte of payement of Twelue
poundes lente vnto him the last yeare vppon his presse and

letters [type] as appeareth by the accoumpte of the last yeare   .        05^  05® 00^

[The amount lent was £12 10s. Od., see pp. 566 and 575.]

Summ [a] totalis of the Receiptes

I. 571
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