A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 294  


1594. [i e. 19—26 March 1595
Anno Begni Begin[a]e Elizahetl^ce] 37.

R. Watkins. I ?;B^--*-   ]

19 ntavtif

Baphe Jackson. Entred vnto him under th[e h]andes of the late Busshop of London
[John Aylmer] and nowe deceased^ and the nowe wardens, A
booke entituled That the Scriptures or written woorde, is only GOBs
woord, and not traditions. Or a comparicon hetwene the truthe nowe
taught in Bngland and ye doctrine of the Bomishe Churche with a
brief Confutacon of that popishe doctrine, by ffrauncis Bonney
sommetyme fellowe of Magdalen CoUedge in Oxon.   .        e        vj*

Thomas Creede Entred for his Copie vnder the wardens handes / a most strange
and myraculous wonder of a golden Chayer that was found in the sea
neere the Isle of Jarsey, and of the filthie murder of 8 persons that
proceaded thereof      .,...•••        vj

William kyrkham Entred for his copie vnder the wardens handes,   a  newe Northeren
songe,   intituled for   the    love   of  our   towne,   call   in   our



YVW^ wtatcif [1595]

master Cawood      Entred for his copie, in full courte / a booke intituled / La noUlta
vpper warden/     ^^^ L'asino, di Attabalippa dal Peru Prouincia   del Mondo  novo.

to be translated into Englishe


master Ponsonhye Entred for his copie in full courte a booke intituled, the absolute

souldier or the polUde qf armes
II. 294
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