A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 296  


Roger warde.

12—24 April] Anno 1595           [^•watidns.{f-gp^g°j»*- ]

Annoque Begni Begin\ji]e Blizaheth[ce] 37^

Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes of the Wardens a brief
note of the benejites that grotve to this Bealme by the observacon of
fishedayes ^<? .........        vj*

John Busbye.        Entred for his  Copie vnder the handes of the Wardens. A booke
entituled  'RNViTMTnKr and VTrvn m                                                 -o-id


Master Binge       Entred for his Copie. a booke of verie pythie similies Comfortable and

profitable for all men to reade


):tijt0 sjrie %pxi\i^J,

Richard Jones./. Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes of bothe the wardens
a booke entituled Baptus HeleNjE[,'] Helens Bape hy the Athenian
Buhe THE8EU8........vj*./.

Raphe Hancock Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes of bothe the wardens a
booke or interlude intituled a pleasant Conceipte called the owlde
wifes tale       .........        vj*./.

Yhii]^ trie %pxi\i^,l

Thomas Man./.     Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h]andes of bothe the wardens a
booke entituled the Bowsinge of the sluggerde   .        .        .        vj*/.

Thomas Mil-
lington /

rip me %^ti\i^.l [1593]

Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h]ande of Master Warden Binge
a ballad entituled a warninge to England with speede to Bepente
for the greate scarssetye and want that now is and like this yeare
ensuinge to be SfC / Provided that before the printinge thereof he get

Master Cawoodes hande for further warraunt.


24^0 ^pxili^

John Legatt.        Entred vnto him for his Copie vnder the handes of the Wardens.

An exposition of the Symbole or Creede of the Apostles, accordinge to
the tenour of the Scriptures, and the Consent of Orthodoxe fathers of

the Churche.
II. 296


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