A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 504  

[235 ft

18—28 October] Anno 1588.       [ J.Harison. |l^o^-wo^;';^ ]
Annoque  Elizabeth\jB\ XXX"" /

yftii|o trie ©etoftvii*

Richard Jones / Allowed vnto him for his copie A booke intytuled, the araignement
and execucon of Three Traitors viz. Jo LIN Weld ON, Wlllyam
Hartley, and Bojbarte Sutton / Vnder th[e h]andes of master
Abraham Hartwell and master warden Coldock      .        .        vj* /

KKtt|% Mt 0tUiixinJ

John wonlfe        Entered for John woulf to prynte, a booke intytuled, a letter sente to

Don Bernareln Dl Meneozza, with th[e]advertisementes out of
Ireland, in the Italyan tongue, by warrant of a letter from Sir
ffrauncis walsingham to the master and wardens of the Cumpanye.
Dated the xviij^^ of this october. 1588.       .        .    [no sum stated]

Kichard Jones
Edward white
Thomas Orwin
Henrye Carre /

n^ii\«. Sjrte (Hctoftyti^ [1588]

Allowed vnto them for their Copie a Booke intytuled A miraculous
and monstrouse but moste true and certen discourse of a woman {noive to
be scene in London) of th[e]age of Ix. yeres in the middest of whose
forehead hy the wonderfull woorke of GOD, there groweth out a Croked
horne of 4 ynches longe / Allowed vnder Doctor Hetons hand, and
entred by warrant from master warden Coldock       [no sum stated]

Richard Jones / Entred for his Copie vppon Condicon that it maye be lycenced, ye
device of the Bageant horne before the Eighte honorable Martyn
Calthrop lorde maiour of the Cytie of London the 29*^ date of
October 1588 george peele the Authour  .        .        .        .        vj*

John wolf /         Allowed  vnto  him  for  his copie  to  be printed in Ffrenche. La

Harangue faicte par le Boy Henrye Trolsieme. de Ffraunce 8^c. le
Seiziesme Jour D^octoher. 1588. Vnder th[e h] andes of master
Hartwell and master Warden Coldock         .        [no sum stated]

IL 504
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