A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 515  

[ H.DiS:!j- ^^''^'1 1588 p. e. 25 January—5 February 1589]              241

Anno 31 Mizabet/i[cf]

):)cftt0 tsit Sanuatii

John wolf Allowed vnto him to be printed bothe in Ffrenche and Englishe
A Discourse touchinge the Declaracon made hy Sieur De La No UE /
Allowed vnder master Hartwell and master Coldockes handes
beinge to the copie.....[no sum stated]

X feftruatii

John Chariwood Entred for his Copie A compendious forme for Domesticall Dutyes,
Collected by Charles Gibbon, and Alowed vnder Doctor
Stallardcs hand : and master Coldockes beinge to the copie     vj*

John Chariwood    Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes aforesaid A little booke
intituled Our truste against trouble. Collected by the said Charles




Thomas Cadman   Entred for his copie vnder the hand of the Lord Byshop of London

The Spanishe masquerado by Robert Grene collected
master Coldokes hand beinge to the copie



Thomas Cadman. Entred for his copie, vnder Sir ffrauncis walsinghams hand and
master Coldockes. An answere to the vntruthes published in Spaine
against  the  English  navie.  Wrytten  in  the  Spanish  tonge   by  a



William Blak¬

5to feftrttat^il [1589]

Entred for his copie. a ballad of her maiesties Bidinge to her highe
Court   of parlamente   master  Coldokes hand beinge to it  for  the

Warraunt of th [e] entrance......vj

IL 615
  Page 515