A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 561  

[ Iclw^'r/^-^^^^^p-        27 August—4 September] 1590.                            264

Annoque Begni Begin[a\e Mizabeth\ce] 2^2^ /

B-oger warde /      A Ballad of longe MEG of Westminster, j

[See pp. 293 and

[no sum stated]

iiUitno trie Kngu^ti

Thomas Scarlet./ Entred vnto him for his copie vnder th[e h]andes of master Doctor
Stallard and master warden Cawood./ a ballad Intituled, A Dolorous
sonnet made by their Lnhabitantes of Paris vppon their grevous famyne
and miserable estate, with the strange sightes in the ayre scene bothe by
sea and land on the coaste of Brytanie        .        .        .        .        vj* /

jitittto trie Sej^temibris [1590]

Thomas newman  Entred  for  their  copie  vnder  th[e  h] andes   of  the  Bysshop   of
Thomas Gnhbm.    lqndon and the wardens To be printed in English a booke intituled.

Armilla aurea 8fc [by W. Perkins]


Thomas man.        Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of master Gravet and the
wardens A treatise of the confessinge of our synnes vnto GOD      vj*

©Ittarto Sejitemiivis*

Tohye Cooke Entred for his Copie vnder the hand of Master Warden Cawood, A
discripcon of the Celestiall globe in Piano, by Thomas Hood
aucthor. /.........vj*

Thomas Scarlet A Entred for his copye vnder th [e h] andes of master Doctor Stallard
and   Master   Newhery   A   playne   confutacon   of  a    Treatise    of
Brownenysme published   by   somme   of   that  faction, intitided,   ^ a
discription of the Vysible churche'     .        .        .        .        .        vj* /
A Transcript ^c,                          36                                              IL 561
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