A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 577  

[ t;K,7' !^-B-i^°p-]        1590. [^. e. 2—31 March 1591]

33 Elizabeth[ce\

John wolfe


2 mareif

Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] and of master hartwell and
master Cawood neives out of Ffraunce Savoy Dauphine Alep[p]o Soria
[i. e. Syria] and Tripole.......vj*

q[ttinfo ntareif

William Wrighte Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of Master Abraham
Hartwell and the wardens, A ivonderfull and true reporte of strange
Birdes scene in Ffiaunders neere vnto the Cittie of Gaunt [i. e.
Ghent] ^c.........        vj*

R. C solutum 12 aprilis ad manus magistri Custodis

John Wolf

John Wolf /

biipo Hie ntateif [1591]

Entred vnto him for his Copie vnder the handes of the Bishop of
London and the wardens. / A Booke entituled a discourse vppon a
question of the estate of this tyme.         .        .        .        .        .        vj*

Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of the Bishop of London and
the wardens. A procedinge in the Barmonye of Kinge Da VLEes harpe
<^c   ...........        vj*

John Wolf/          Entred alsoe for his copie vnder the handes aboue said. / The methode

Curatyve of the venerious disease 8fc


^pp iWateif

Thomas Pnrfoote   Entred vnto them for theire Copie vnder the handes of the Bishopp

the elder /

Thomas Purfoote   ^^ Oanterburie / and bothe the wardens A table for the paiement of

the yo[u]nger./     tithes and oblacons accordinge to the Queenes maiesties Ecclesiasticall
lawes, and ordinaunces established in the church of England /          vj*

dltimo tttateif

HeArie Hlss[el]op Entred Vnto him foilhis Copie, ii hallad whef^n is discou^d the great
assigned to           covetousn\ of a m^isemble vsurer,\7id ye zvonakifull liberam/tie of his

9 Aprilis. W91.    -^P^ ^^ b;^?arraunt f^om Master l^arden CawWpd.           . \  iiij*

[See next page.]

A Transcript ^c.


IL 577
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