A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 647  

r G. Cawood.     1,«.

T. Woodcock. J-J7-,

L T. Stirrop.      ) ^' ^


12—26 April] 1594.
Anno 36 Beffni Elizabeth[ce']


^ip ^it ^pxilin

Richard Jones/ Entred for his copie vnder the handes of the Bishop of London and
the wardens a booke intytuled / Certen instructions observaconns and
orders militarie requisite for all Chieftaines, Gaptaines and higher
and lower men of charge by Sir John Smithe knight          .        vj*

master Windet

master windet

144 ^^tiliS

Entred for his copie vnder the hand of master Doctor Bancroft:

The decree of the Court of Parlament of Paris of the 30 of marche
1694 vpon that ivhich hath ben done  duringe the present  troubles


Entred for his copye vnder th [e h] and of master Doctor Bancroft
the kinges Edict and Declaracon vpon the reducinge of the city of
Paris vnder his obedience            ......        vj*

jcp %pxi\i^ [1594]

William Holme / Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of Sir John ffortescue and
master Cawood, A booke entituled. A most great wonderfull and
miraculous victorie obteyned by the christians againste the Turkes in
HungaHe / with the Copie of his Lettres sent to monsie[u]r De Baron
EE Blllye gouernour of Lille Douay and Orches       vj* Cawood./

Thomas Crosson

jr^iif^ trie ^pxili^

Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h] andes of the Bishop of london
and Master Cawood a booke intituled the praise of a good nams and

the reproache of an ill name

vj* * C./.

[* This initial is apparently that of G. Cawood, and was piobably intended to mark
that he was the licenser.     See similar initials dXpp. 614 and 616.]

Master Wyndet./ Entred for his Copie vnder th[e h]andes of Doctor Bancrofte and
Master Cawood a booke intituled the order of the Coronation of the
Frenche kinge   .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .    vj* C./.

y)rftft0 tfit ^^yiliis./^

John Danter./. Entred for his Copie vnder th [e h] ande of Master Cawood a ballad
intituled A Dolefull adewe to the last Erie of DareY. to the tune of

^Bonny sweete Boeln'.......vj* C./.

IL 647
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