A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 653  

r G. Cawood.    } xxr

T. Woodcock. Vp

L T. Stirrop.      )^-


8—14 June] 1694
^tmo 36. Mizadet/i[(s]


Cuthbert Burhey   Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of master warden Cawood /
a booke intituled / the Cohlers prophesie       .        .        .         vj* C /

10 trie Sttnif

Thomas Creede Entred for his Copie vnder th [e h] ande of Master Cawood a booke
entituled Mena [e] chmi beinge A pleasant and fine Conceyted Comedye
taken out of the moste excellent wittie Boett. Plautus chosen purposely
from out the reste as leaste harmefiUl and yet moste delightfull    vj* C

jrf trie Snnif

John Danter.        Entred for his copies vnder th [e h] and of master Cawood / twoo
ballettes, the one Intituled, A lookinge glasse for Disdaynefull lovers /

the other The Bufiinge woer./

xij* C./

yiifo trie Snnif [1594]

John Wolff.         Entred  for his  Copie vnder  th[e h] andes  of  Master  Abraham

Hartwell and Master Warden Cawood. A booke entituled
Thesoro Bolitico doe. Belatione Instructioni Trattat Discorsi varij.
Dambasciadori.     NelV Academia     Ltaliana     di     Colonia.    L'Anno.




To be printed in Englishe

0iiio Sunif

Thomas Creede/ Entred for his copie vnder th[e h]ande of master warden CaWOod.
a ballad intituled Lustye Lawrence / vppon Condicon that
yf    the   companye   question   of   yt   then   this   entrance   to   be

void..........               Vj*

IL 653

[See p. 828.]
  Page 653