A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 655  

[ LS"-}^'^'^'^"     ^^-2^ J™^^ ^'"^" ^^^^-                     ^^^

.y^;^^o ^^y;^^ Beffin\_a\e Elizabeth\je\ 36^""

22^^ Uie Snnif

John Danter. Entred for his Copie vnder the hande of Master Warden Cawood. a
Ballad entytuled a most straunge and miraculous vjonder that
happened through lighteningc and thunder, which happened in Divers
places in England.   .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .        vj*

25 Snnif

Master Harrison Entred for his copie in Court holden this day / a booke entituled.
Grchestra. or a poeme of Damising    .        .        .        .        .        vj*

Master Harrison   Assigned ouer vnto him from Richard ffeild in open Court holden

SPYl 107*

this Day a book called Venvs and A BONIS      .        .        .        vj*

utfofn'f^^             The which was before entred to Eichard ffeild. 18. aprilis /


25. [SttWtf] 1394]

Edmond holyfant Alowcd vnto them to prynt to th[e]use of the Company, Dodoneus
herball in all volumes and with pictures or without pictures
paying alwaies vppon euery Impression vj* in the li to th[e]use of
the poore accordinge to the ordonnance in yat behalf        .        vj*

26. Snnif

John Wolf.          Entred for his Copie vnder the hande of Master Warden Cawood,

a  booke  of  MlchaeLL   De  Benlchon  his   aray[g']nment    and
execucon. ^c      .........        vj*

John danter         Entred for his copie vnder th[e  h] andes  of master Bynge, theis

[See p. 657.]     ballades foUowinge


The newe married wyfes fayringe    .        .        .        .        vj*

The Cuntrymans welcomme to Barth[olo'}me[w'] fayre     vj*

a maydes lamentacon for lack of a fayringe     .        .        vj*

The wofull spectacle of the iust Judgment of GOD
shewed vppon a merchantes servant for his cruelty
toward his owne mastcr beinge in poverty         .        .        vj*

IL Qbb
  Page 655