A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 657  

[ Ib^sI"''}^'^-^^-^'               8—21 August] 1594.                              311

Anno 36 BlizabetJi\^\

diif %\K^\%^\i

John wolf / Entred for his copie vnder the wardens handes The answere of the
Lordes and estates generall of the Vnited Brovinces of the Lowe
Cuntries. to a letter of the Archduke of AuSTRLA in this booke

John danter.         Entred  for  his   copie  vnder both the  wardens  handes.   a  ballad

intituled The Cruell handlinge of one Nlcholas Burton merchant
tailour of London / by the blody Spaniardes in the Cittye of Cyvill
[i. e.  Seville], whoe was  there burned for  the  testimony of Jesus

CHRIST              .........vj*

P %Vi%m\i [1594]

Cuthhert Burhye/ Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of both the wardens / a
booke intituled Eistorie De erlmaleon De Grece     .        .        vj*

Cuthhert Burhye Entred for his copie vnder bothe the wardens handes another booke
intituled. Seconde livre de Brlmaleon de Grece         .        .        vj* /

Prouided that yf theis twoo copies be entred to any other
then this entrance to be void /

y:ip %Vi^mti

William wright Entred for his copie vnder master Warden Cawoodes hand, a booke
mtituled Neives from the Levant Seas         .        .        .        .        vj*. /

Yyij ancjttsti

John Danter         Entred for his copie theis ballades insuinge

[Seep. 655.]                    The neive marryed wif es fayringe      .        .        .        .        vj*

The cuntrymans welcomme to Barthol[o]me[iv] faire  .        vj*

A maides lamentacon for lack of a faring           .        .        vj*

A Transcript ^c.                        42                                         II. 657
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