A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 660  

[ 3121»                            13—30 September] 1594               [ R. watkins. {l^^^^^^^- ]

Annoqtce Beffni Beffin[a]e Eli^abet/i\jE~]. 36.^"^

master Gabriell

Master Binge /
Wardens /

William Leake.

John Wolfe /

John Hardie

John Hardye.

John newberie

jriif^ ^tpttmbxi^^

Entred vnto them for theire Copie A booke entytuled. Vrhis
Bierosolimce quemadmodum ea Chrlstl tempore fioruit, suhurbanorum
eius brevis Discriptio. 8fc. to be printed in Englishe     .        .        vj*

W^. ^tpttm^xin.

Entred vnto him for his Copie, A Booke vnder the handes of the
Wardens, entituled The exercise of a Christian lyef. By Gr. L.      vj*

):p ^ie ^tpttmlixin I

Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of the Wardens, A booke
intituled / A Treatise of th[e']amendment of life, conteyninge ffoure
bookes written by John Taefyn.....vj*

2QK SitpttWikxi^. [1594]

Entred vnto him for his Copie vnder the handes of the wardens, A
booke entituled. A treatise of fortitude. By master George Gyffard.




K^riiiif^ Se^femtivis^

Entred vnto him for his Copie vnder the Wardens handes. A Booke
Satyre Menipp^e De la vertu Du Catholicon BEsyague. et de la Tenue
Des Estates De Baris. To be prynted in Englishe       .        .        vj*

Ultimo ©eto^tis [or rather Se^tentljirifl]

Assigned vnto hym from master Eafe Newberye, and thereuppon
entred for his copies in full Court holden this Day. these bookes
ensuinge          .        .        .        .        •        •        •        -        mj^

Master Stow^s Cronicle in 8^'^
Master Stow^s Cronicle in 4*°

Master Lamberd^s Justice of peace called Eirenarche
Master Lamberdcs Duty of Constables
Master Jewell vpon the Thessalonians
The Banoplie of Epistles
ffamiliar epistles   |        ,

Goulden Epistles )
IL 660
  Page 660