A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 2)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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[ Universitg of Cambridge's fresh comjdaint of the Stationers'. {

Illustrative Documents. ~\
1591. A.D.            J

yeld to this: rather then on Dutifull regard should seeme to be w^antinge in the
necessarie Defense of this our Charter, w^hich so neerlye concernes vs, our Printer
shalbe ready at your Lordships appointment, to ioine with them in the triall of his
righte, upon any accion that they shall bringe againste him. Suerlie yf this Charter so
equable in it selfe, so commodious to the studeutes of the Vniuersitie, so beneficiall to
manie other subjectes of the realme, graunted by her Maiesties most noble father,
ratyfied by the gratious bountie of her selfe, established by Acte of Parlament so manie
yeres past, may not be thoughte suffycient againste the[i] re grauntes so latelie obteined :
wee know not vpon what privilege w^ee may hereafter repose our trust.

Wherefore once againe most humblie besechinge your good Lordship to continue
your Honorable fauour tow^ard the vniversitie in preserueinge the auncient and lawfull
Charters of the same : in all humble Duetie w^ee reconnnend your Lordship to the most
blessed protection of the AHmightie.    from Cambridge the xvj*^^ of July 1591

Tour Lordships Daylie Oratours humble at commandment

Rogerus Goode

Vmphry  Ti^ndall
John W. port.
Lawrence Chaderton

M.   Some,  proccmcellarius I.

William W%itaker
Thomas Myng
Thomas I^egge
thomas preston.


To the right Honorable and our singuler good Lord the Lord Baron of Burleigh
Lord highe Treasurer of England, Chancellour of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge./]

[Lansd. MS. 68, Art. 32.]

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