A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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Table of Contents

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the contents of THIS THIRD VOLUME.



Short Title................                 i

Title       .       .       .       ,.............                iii

Registration Page...............                iv

Inscription................                v

List of Subscribers..............        vi—viii

The Contents of this Volume.............          9—10

INTRODUCTION.............       11—28

A Provisional List of London Printers and Publishers during the period of this Volume        .        29—30

Corrigenda et Addenda..............        31—32


%t%i%Ux C.......33

[Many particulars between 15 July 1595—2 July 1605 will be found in Volume II., for references see p. 4 of that Volume ]

40thYear.....(15 July 1595-8 July 1598)     .       .       .      I'-CoWock. j 3^-^^^^^^

Book Entries, 45—66.                     [Freemen, II., 715—716.]

41st Year.....(8 July 1596—8 July 1597)      .       .       .     J-Harrison. | J; g^^^^P^

Book Entries, 67—87.                     [Freemen, II., 717-718.]      Misc., 35.

21 April 1597.   Minute of the Court of Aldermen appointing a Committee to con¬
sider the petition of the Bookbinders        .....                   40

42nd Year.....(9 July 1597—? 6 July 1598)    .       .       .       <^-Cawood. | J-|^^^;»P-

Book Entries, 88—120.                    [Freemen, II., 719—721.]

6 Oct. 1597.   The report of the Committee of Aldermen to the Lord Mayor con¬
cerning the Bookbinders    .......             40—42

43rd Year.....(U July 1598—   July 1599)    .       .        i^-^ev/bery. {^^l^f^^^^^^y.

Book Entries, 121—146.                  [Freemen, II., 722—723.]

11 Sept. 1598. The names, presented by the printers, of those who had up to this
time set up printing contrary to the Star Chamber decree of 23rd
June 1686.........                 693

1 June 1599.   Books ordered to be burnt, or forbidden to be printed or published

by Archbishop Whitgift and Bishop Bancroft        .        .        .                  677

4 June 1599.   Tlie books burnt at Stationers' Hall in consequence of this Order    .                  678

44th Year.....(    July 1599—2 July 1600)     .       .       .        ^'^*^°°*-j J'wSet.

Book Entries, 37,146—166.          ,   [Freemen, IL, 724—726.]      Misc., 694.

45th Year.....(3 July 1600—    July 1601)      .       .       .        <^-^i^^^P-{ e. WMtT*

Book Entries, 37, 167—187.             [Freemen, II., 727—729.]      Misc., 694.

46th Year.....(    July 1601—5 July 1602)     .       .       .     R-Newbery. {g; |^^^J^^-

Book Entries, 188—211.                  [Freemen, II., 730—733.]       Misc., 694, 695.

47th Year   .....        (6 July 1602—5 July 1603)       .       .       .     <*.Bisliop-{s; Waterson.

Book Entries, 35, 36, 37, 212—240.    [Freemen, II., 734—735.]      Misc., 694, 695.

48th Year.....(6 July 1603-    July 1604)     .      .      .      ^-.^XIh. H^oTpe?!

Book Entries, 241—267.                  [Freemen, IL, 735-737.]       Misc., 694, 695, 698.

29 Oct. 1603.   Grant of James I. to the Stationers' Company of Primers, Psalters,

Almanacks Sk-n-d Prognostications ioY QYer           .        .         ,         .             42—44

[Surrendered, and a larger grant made on 8 March 1616, see pp, 679—682.]

49th Year.....(    July 1604—2 July 1605)     .       .       .           T. Man. j ^^£^*^"^-^

Book Entries, 268—294.                   [Freemen, II., 738—739.]       Misc., 694, 695, 698.

60th Year   .       .       .       .       .     (3 July 1605—30 June 1606)      .       .       .        R. Barker, j J^?^^^-
Book Entries, 38, 2954-325.             Freemen, 683.

A Transcript Sfc,                                   l                                                        III. 9
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