A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 40  

[ The history of Doctor Fulke'^ ' Answer 8fc.'

{ niustrative Documents.
1597. A.D.

friends hath his Maiesties grant for ye printing and selling of the sayd booke for xxj
yeares to her vse And because ye words of the patent are doubtfuU whether they looke
backwards and forwards or only for the tyme to com [e] she by colour of ye sayd letters
patents and by great meanes, intends to tak[e] away not only the copie but also those
bookes which we haue printed, before ye said grant from his Maiestie at ye price of paper
and printing.

I haue often desired yab I maybe receaued in alegall course to make and prooue our
title, but as yet cannot obtayne it

Mistris Ogden hath gotten by begging from ye clergie and others diuers great
somes of money towards ye printing of her fathers workes. Master Norton and my self
haue for many thousands of pounds bought ye office of his Maiesties printer to which ye
printing of ye translacons of the Bible or of any parte thereof sett furth by the State

Now the greatest parte of Doctor Fulkes worke is the new testament in English
sett forth by authoritie.

{State Papers, Bom, James I, Vol. 109. pp. 106-7.]

16 April—6 October 1597.    Report to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen on the
Complaint oe the Bookbinders ereemen oe the City oe London.^

[In considering this Report it is necessary to remember the distinction between * Strangers' and
* Foreigners,' see I., xl.]

Jovis Qcccj'^'^^ Die Aprilis anno ccxxix^ domin[a'\e nostr[a~\e Elizabeth[ce'] reyin[a']e Sfc.


TEMjt is ordred that master Bennett master Holliday master Rows master

Holinder Aldermen and master Chamberlyn or anye three or mo of them

,  shall haue  Consideracon of ye petycon,  exhibited to  this  Courte  by ye

Company of Stacyoners And to make reporte to this  Courte in wryting of

ii^      their opynions therein /

[Repertory 24t,fol. 63. in the Corporation Records,']

Jovis sexto die Ootobris anno xxxix^ domin[a']e nostr[a']e Elizabeth[(je~\
Reyin[a']e Sfc. 1597.

TEM this dale Master Bennett Master Holiday Master Eowe Aldermen and
others to whom th [e] examynacon of the cause towching the Stationers
of this Citty was formerly Comitted did make their Eeporte in wryting
to this Courte of their opinyons therein The tenour whereof hereafter
ensewefch viz.

A    Ebporte     concernyno    the     Statyoners

To the right honorable Sir HejSTBY BilLINGSLEY
knight Lord Maior of the Cittie of London and to
ye    right     worshipfull     the     Aldermen     his      bretheren

OST humbly shewe and beseach your good Lordship and worshippes your poore suppliants
the booke binders of the Companie of Stationers in London That whereas vppon a former
Complaynte made ^n the tyme 6f Sir Wolston Dixie Lord Maior [1585-6], againste ye
nombers of fForreyne[r]s and Straungers then intrudded into the trade and workes of
your poore Suppliauntes who humblie craved to haue the benefitt of ye Statute vppon
them   It pleased his Lordship vpon due Consideracon of your suppliauntes requeste and in

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