A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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28—30 October] 1695.
37 Begni Mizabeth\(p\

2$^' oefolirij^

Thomas Scartet     Entred for his copie vnder th[e h] andes of the wardens / A ballad
of the gatheringe together of Bavens at Windham in Norfolk         vj*

master man
Toby cooke/.

30 0tttt^vi» [1595]

Entred for their copie vnder the handes of the wardens in full
Court holden this Day. master Gifford^s Sermons vpon the
Bevelation of Sainct JoTi^......vj*

John Busby         Entred for his copies by assignement from Elizabeth wynnyngton

wydowe  of John  "Wynnyngton   Staconer   Deceased   Three   copies

supposed to haue belonged to the said John wynnington.

1 The Bestoringe againe of hym that is fallen in Beligion   vj*

2  The synners salve and Armor of the souk

3  TuLLi^s love       .        .        .        .        4




PROVYDED ALWAIES that yf the said Elizabeth marrie againe to any
of the Companie. That then she shall haue their copies againe as in
her former estate

PROVYDED ALWAIES that yf yt shall appere that these copies did
apperteyne to any other man and not to the said Wynnyngton That
then the said John Busby shall haue no Interest to them or any of
them by force of this entrance /

III. 51
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