A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 56  

[ 6 tl                  22 December] 1595 [—8 January 1596      f. ooidock. {i^^jj^f;,, ]

Anno ^'^'^ Begni Begin\ji\e Mizabeth\ce\l.

KKtl^ trie Heeetttfti^is^/^

John Danter. Entred for his Copies vnder th[e h] andes of bothe the wardens
iij ballades the firste the Deathe of Sir BOGER WILLIAMS the
Second the Divelles wake / and the Third Luke Huttons

YHiP trie JBeeemlitis*/ [1595]

Clement KNioHT Entred for his Copie vnder  th[e^ h] andes of bothe  the  wardens
a booke intituled the firste parte of the nature of a woman    .        vj*./.

Thomas Easte      Entred for his copie vnder the wardens handes. a booke intituled /
MARies Meditations /.......'   vj*

3 Santtavif [1596]

John Danter / Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of the wardens, a booke
intituled^ the hermitage of humilitie /. and a ballad intituled
Englandes resolution to beate backe the Spaniardes,       .        .        xij*

5t^ %wmmi\J,

Widowe Orwin./. Entred for her Copie vnder th[e h] andes of bothe the wardens a
booke intituled Bomes monarchie.....vj*./.

'Widowe Orwin./. Entred alsoe for her Copie vnder th[e h]andes of the Bishoppe of
London and bothe the wardens a booke intituled a booke of fastinge
private andpublique........vj*./.

8 trie 3an«avi|

Gabriell Sympson Entred for their Copie vnder the handes of the wardens, a booke
wil lam w ite /   j^^^-^^j^^^j^ jr^^ black Dogge of Newgate bothe pythie and profitable for all

[See p. ^S.l         Readers.........        .        VJ*

III. 56
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