A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 59  

[ T.Dawson. I^•G°i*o«^^-]    .1595. [^. 6. 13—27 February 1596]                           8

38. Mizabeth[(B] Begin[a\e

♦13. fe^Jtuaril

Hughe Jaxon       Entred  for his Copie vnder the handes of the wardens.  A book
Intituled. PENELOPES. Complaint 8fc Or a mirrourfor Minions   vj*

16 ttetiiruavil

Valentine Syms.   Entred  for hym to print to th[e]use  of the Companye / Lucius
vjd in Le Ii          ApuLEius De Asino Aureo in English vppon Condycon that yt be
no other mans copie LaufuUy entred before and that he pay vj* in
the 11 to th[e] use of the poore......vj*

Master Biss-

XT m^xmxiiJ. [1596]

Entred for his Copie vnder Master Warden Binge his hande a booke
intituled Psalmes of Confession founde in the Cabinet of the moste
mightye Kinge of Portingale Don Antonio [the'] firste of that name
ivrytten withe his owne hande   .        .        .        .        .        .        vj* /2

23^ trie JFthxmxii

Thomas Creede./.   Entred for him to printe to th[e]use of the Company : virgill^s

vjd in le Ii./.        Aeneados in Englishe  verse, and a booke  called A  goodly gallery

Ni^QiLs Aeneados  vppon   condicon   that   they   be  no   other  mans Copies   LaufuUy

kn^hles Copie.     -Entred before and that he pay yj* in  the  Ii to th[e]use of the

26 Junij. 1600     poore       ..........


vacat quoad virgilis Aeneados

27^ trie dFehxmxljJ.

Thomas Purfoote Entred for their Copie vnder th [e h] andes of the late Bishop of
Thomas Purfoote I-'ONDON [John Aylmer] : and bothe the wardens a booke intituled /
junior./.              The true try all of a  Christian estate a matter  more meete for  this

present tyme then those toyisshe tryfles of such as trouble the peace of
GODes churche whether they be Martinistes, papistes / or Ath\e\istes by
Thomas PiPORREST:/ the first Chapter whereof begynneth as
followeth viz Although it be moste true that all that fnlnes of tyme



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