A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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1 August—15 Septeniber] 1598        [ »• J^ewbery. {^»|if3;^^^y ]
40 Begin\a\e

master Gedrge

00 Ib^temlivi^^

Entred for his Copie vnder master newberys hand and the handes of
the reste of the wardens A booke Called the DiANA of George of
Monte IMayor Deuided into three partes Done out of Spanishe into
Englishe by Bartholomewe younge gent Prouided that if at any
tyme hereafter the said booke shall come in question the said master
Bushopp to answer it......        .        vj* /

n S^temlirt^ [1598]

Valentine Syms Entred for his copie vnder th[e] handes of master harsnett and the
wardens a booke called vij seuerall discourses of Oounte hanniball
RoMEi gent of Ferrara.......vj^

Nicholas lynge:
[See/o^. 316.]

15^ Se^femJirt!*

Entred for his Copie vnder th[e] handes of master Harsnett and the
wardens A shadowe oftruthe in certaine Epigrams and Satyres   vj*./.

Nicholas Lynge / Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of bothe the wardens, a booke
intituled BODOMANTHUS in femail or The Devill Conquered
AriaSTOs Conclusions of the ma/riage of BOGERO with BradAMANTH
his loue and the fell faught battaile betwene BOGERO and
BODOMANTHTTS the never conquered pagan j written in Ffrenche by
Phillip be Portes and paraphrasticallie translated by G. M.  vj*

John harrison      Entred for his Coppye vAder the handes of master Binge and master
william Ponsonby wardene one Damaske beede in flowers             i/j*

III. 126
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