A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 164  


25—26 June] 1600.

42 Beffin\_a\e



( T. Man.
J. Windet.

Clement knight

vjd in le Ii

25 SJnnif

Entred for his copie by Consent of A full Court of Assistantes
holden this Day. The French scholemaster whereof Claudius
HOLYBAND was Aucthor. The said clement to pay vj* in the Ii for
paper and printinge accordinge to th[e]ordonnance for the poore,
as often as he shall Prynt yt / .        .        .        .        .        •        vj*

master Bysshop

master John

Entred for their copie vnder the hand of my lordes grace of
Canterbury: A booke called-Ec/o^a Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis Gontinens
Catalogum absolutum manuscriptorum in illustrissimis bihliothecis
florentissimarum. Academiarum Oxoni[_a]e et Cantabrig[a]e Opus
Thomje James 8fc........vj*

26. %mii [1600]

Clement knight Entred for his copies by consent of our Master and master man
warden these bookes folowinge Alowinge vj* vpon the Ii to th[e]use
of the poore of the Company accordinge to the ordonnance in that

vjd in le Ii

YiRGiLLes Aeneados in Englishe

The Begymsnt of life       .        .        .    '   .

The Begiment of healthe .....

LUCIUS Apuleius of the golden Asse in Englishe

Vocabula Stanbrigij.....








John flasket         Entred for his copies by consent of our Maister and Master Man

Warden these bookes and partes of Bookes folowynge whiche were
Paule Lynlayes        .       .       «        .        .        .       .       viiJV

III. 164
  Page 164