A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 184  


8—22 May] 1601
43 Beffin\ji~\e

[a. Bishop. 11^--- J

8 tnaij

Master Short        Entred for his Copye vnder the handes of the wardens, A booke of
Ayres sett forthe to  be songe to the lute  Opherian, and base violl by

Phillip Rosseter Lutenist



12 mat)

Richard Reade      Entred for his Copye vnder the hand of master whyte warden A

booke Called A Direction to the waters of lyfe


Richard Reade      Entred for his Copye vnder the hand of master whyte warden The

[Seej^p. 133,144, second table of qood counsell......vj*

and 227.]                                                                                    r,   V.    A'A  ^

[? a broadside.]

13 mm'l [1601]

William Tym Entred for his Copye vnder the handes of master Doctor Barlowe
and master whyte warden A booke Called the historye of
Sainct  George Allegoricallye Discribed by Gerrard  de  malynes




21 m^i\

John Harrison      Entred for his Copye vnder the handes of master Paseeild and
John^HarSn^    master whyte warden / A booke called the tranquilitye of the mynde by


Lucius Anneus Sentca newlye translated



Andrew wise

[See previous

22 tnaii

Entred for his Copye vnder the handes of Master Paseeild and
master whyte warden A booke called Hhe Paradise of praijers' gathered
out of the spirituall workes of Lewis of G-ranado and Englyshed

byT. L........        .        '        •       vj*

III. 1S4
  Page 184