A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 189  


23 July—3 August] 1601
43 Bec/in\(i\e


Symon Stafford     Entred for his copie vnder the hand of master Seton warden a booke
called a godlie gallerye ^c beinge an old copie printed by William



Symon Stafford     Entred for his copie a booke called JoSEFHs Dreames beinge An

old copie printed by Copland


3 %yx%m%i [1601]

WiUiam Jones Entred for his copie vnder the handes of the Wardens. A true
report of all the procedinges of Grave MORRIS [i. e. Maurice] before
the towne of Berk in June and July 1601   .        .        .        .        vj*

master Dexter Entred for his copie in full Court holden this day and vnder th[e
h]and of master Barlo[w]e. a sermon preached at Chard in the county
of Somersett the 2 of Marche 1597 beinge the first day of the assises
there holden........        .        vj* /

master Bysshop
master man

Entred for their copie in full Court holden this day and vnder the
handes of my Lord Bisshop of London and master paseeild A
desperate Downefall of DARCies divinitie which he deludingly intitleth
^ The Doctrine of possessions and disposessions of Demoniakes out of the
woord of GOD ^c'  ........        vj*

master Bisshop
master man

Entred for their copye in full Court holden this day (and vnder the
handes of my lord Bishop of London and master paseeild) Dialogicall
Discourses of Spirytes and Divelles 8^c          .        .        .        .        vj*

III. 189
  Page 189