A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 283  

[ w^Leake.lT.Man.]      1604. [7. e. 8 February—2 March 1605]


2 Begis

Thomas Pavyer Entred for his copy vnder th[e h]andes of the Wardens. A commedy
called * the fayre Mayd of Bristoe [i. e. Bristol] ' played at Hampton
Court by his Maiesties players     ......        vj



John Tap.

John Porter

12" miivrntii [X605]

yf he gett good alowance for the enterlude of King Henry the 8*^
before he begyn to print it. And then procure the wardens handes
to yt for the entrance of yt: He is to haue the same for his
copy      .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .        [no sum stated']

Entred for his copy vnder th[e h] andes of the Wardens. A booke
called the pathway to 2^erfect sayling   .        .        .        .        .        vj*

Entred for his copy vnder the handes of master Pasfeild and the
wardens. A booke called meditations and vowes diuine and morall
serving for Direction in christian and Civil practise Devided inio Twoo

Bookes by Joseph Hall



22^ feliitiatti

Roger Jackson. Entred for his copye vnder th[e h]andes of Master Pasfeild and the
wardens A booke called : obedience ; or Ecclesiasticall vnion. Treatised
by WILLIAM v^iLKES DoctoT in Theologie and one of his Maiesties
Chapleyns in ordinary.     .        .        .        .        .        .        .        vj*

Master Banck¬

Entred for his copie vnder the handes of Master Wilson and the
wardens The firste and Second partes of the,, famous history of
EvoRAEANUS prince of Denmarke with his aduentures and fort

in hue



»M'ie Bob!


kett Entred ^or his copib vnder th[^h]and of Master Norti^ warden A
commodi\ called wes^ard Hoe p^sented by iJie Childre\of Baules
provided mt he get fi^ther authomie before j\be printed\     vj*

III. 283
  Page 283