A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 479  

[ l.iownes.!^-N''^»»]     1611. \i.e. 5—16 March 1612]                            217

[ 9'^° Regis ]

John Budge.

5t« iWjtvdj

Entred for his Copy vnder the hand of master Lownes warden,
these 2 bookes foliowinge to be translated into Englishe and so
printed when they are further Aucthorised, called in Ffrenche,

Discours veritable de ce qui s^est passe en la ville de
Troyes, sur les pursuittes faites par les Jesuites pour s'y
establyr deptds Van 1603. iusques au mois de Juillet

And lettre de Monseigneur Villustrisses cardinall du
Perron, Envoyee a monsieur Casaubon estant en


9tta m^xdU [1612]

Master John

[See II., 886.]

Master John

[See II., 886.]

Entred for his Copy, by Composicon betweene him and master
Harrison th [eJ elder and by consent of a full Court holden this day,
A booke called, Sylva Synonymorum          .        .        .        .        vf.

Entred for his Copy, by Composition betweene him and master
Harrison th[ej elder and by consent of a full Courte holden this day,
A booke in Latyne called, Nouum testamentum Jesu Ceristi,
beinge translated out of Greeke into Latyne by master Theodore



At bothe these entrances master Harrison was present

in Courte and consentinge to the same

[J. Harrison 'the elder' having taken up his freedom on the 19th August 1556,
within three months of the Incorporation under Queen Mary, must now have been one
of the oldest members, if not the ' Father of the Company.']

12^0 ff^;xxciU

Arthur Johnson / Entred for his Copy vnder th[e hjandes of master IMason and Th^
wardens, A booke called, A glasse for godly myndes, wherein the reader
may behold the fayrnes of virtue  and foulnes of vice ^c. by R. W.

minister of GODes word


13". m^uiU

John Busby


John Trundle

John Wrighte

Entred for their Copy vnder th^ [hJ and of master warden Lownes^
A booke called. The seuerall apprehensions and array[g]nmentes of
Cearles Courtney alias LLollys gent [leman] and OLemente
Slye fencer and their execucon Provyded that they printe it not
without sufficient further aucthority for it         .        .        .        vj* /.

Entred for his Copy vnder tV [hjandes of Th[e J wardens A ballad
called, A paterne for prisoners beinge the Complaynte of one COURTNEY
a yo[ii\nge gent[leman] who with one CLEMENT Slye a gallant of London
for breakinge of prison, and many other offences was executed neere
Newgate the W^ of Marche [1612 j last      .        .        ,        .        vj*

III. 479
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