A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 575  

[ fiShowe. JT-»^^«^»-^    29 October—6 November] 1615                           265

[ Begni Begis Jacohi ^^13"" ]

30^ ®do<itt^ 1615.

John Budge         Entred for his Oopie vnder the handes of Master  Sanford  and

Master Lownes senior warden  A booke  called The House  holders

helpe for Domesticall discipline by R. R.


29^ ©ctoiivt^ 1615

Master William   Entred for his Copies by Consent of a full Court holden this day
theis ix Copies following which were heretofore entred to  James


[See IL, 651 and

Rohertes .       .       .       .       .     _,

Deerings Cathecisme and prayers

Theasure of gladnes.

Sweet song of a, synner

The path way jto please GGD

Mores catachisme

Aeam BeiIl

bobin gonsgienge

The 100 merye tales

The players billes./

iiif  vf I

2^ Hoiietttibrt^. 1615*

John Beale. Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of the Lord Bishop of
London and Master Lownes warden a booke called The whole armour
of GGD being the lectures of Master William Gough minister at
the Blacke friers........vj*

Master Dight

Phillip Knight

[See II., 620 ;
andjpp. 72 a^d

6^ Sottemftti^ 1615

Entred for his Oopie by consent of a Court holden this Day a booke
Galled. A booke of sundry draugUesfor glaziers S^c      .        .       vj*.

Entred for his Oopie vnder the hand of Master Lownes warden, and
by consente of Elizabeth Oliue [or Oliffl], a booke heretofore entred to
her husband, called Greenes groates worth of witt      .        .       vf

III. 575
  Page 575