A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 3)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 681  

[ M.ttnes. l^-^-                   27 September 1616]                                       318

27^ Sb^i^Umi^xi» 1616

The Latten           Entred for the Lattin stocke vnder the handes of both the wardens a

stocke /                Booke called. Selden de Dijs Syrijs           .        .        .        .        vf

And further knowe yee that wee of our more aboundant grace certaine knowledge and
meere mocon for the better releife of the saide Corporacon of master and keepers or
wardens and Comynaltie of the mistery and arte of Stacyoners of the Cittie of London
and theire Successors of our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon haue
given and graunted and by these presentes for vs our heires and successors doe give and
graunte vnto the said master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltie of the mistery or
Arte of Stacioners of the Cittie of London and theire Successors full power priviledge
and authoritie that they the said master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltie and
theire Successors shall and maie att all times and from time to time for ever printe and
cause to he printed all manner of Almanackes and Proynosticacons whatsoeuer in the
Englishe tongue and all manner of bookes and pamphlettes tendinge to the same
purpose and which are not to bee taken and Construed other then Almanackes or
Proynosticacons beinge allowed by the Archbishoppe of Canterburye and Bishopp of
London or one of them for the time beinge or by suche other person or persons as they
or either of them for the time beinge shall in that behalfe assigne or appoint by what
names or titles soever the same shall bee intitled named or called as shall bee printed
within this our Realme of Englande wherefore by these presentes for vs our heires and
Successors wee doe straightlie charge prohibite and commaunde all and singuler other
Printers Bookesellers and all other the Officers ministers and Subiectes whatsoeuer of
vs our heires and Successors that they or anie of them at anie time or times hereafter
shall not printe or cause to bee printed or brought from the partes beyonde the Seas
anie of the Saide Almanackes Prognosticacons or anie other Almanackes or Prognosti¬
cacons bookes or Pamphlettes in the Englishe tongue tendinge to the same or like purjDOse
and that maie bee in anie wise construed and taken as Almanaches and Prognosticacon
by what titles and Addicons soeuer the same bee or shall bee intituled or named nor
buy vtter or sell or cause to be boughte vttered or sould anie other Almanaches Prognos-
ticacons or other hookes in the Englishe tongue tendinge to the same or like purpose
then such onelie as shall bee printed by the said master and keepers or w^ardens and
Comynaltie of the misterie or Arte of Stacioners of the Cittie of London and theire
Successors vppon paine of forfeiture of all suche Almanaches boohes Pamphlettes and
Prognosticacons as shall bee printed bought vttered or sould contrarie to the lymitacon
and meaninge of these our letters Patentes and vppon paine of forfeiture of twelue pence
for euerie Almanache and Prognosticacon soe to be printed boughte vttered or sould or
imported or broughte into this Realme from beyond the Seas. And alsoe vppon suche
paines and penalties as maie hee inflicted vppon such as contemne and infringe our
Commaundement royall. All which said forfeictures to bee to the vse of vs our heires
and Successors. And moreouer by these our letters Patentes for vs our heires and
Successors wee doe will and commaunde all and singuler our Officers ministers and
Suhiectes whatsoeuer as they tender our favour and will avoide our indignacon and
displeasure for the contrarie, that they and everie of them (if neede shall require) doe
ayde and assiste the saide master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltie and theire
Successors aswell for searchinge of all such person and persons offending therein as in
the due exercise and execucon of this our present licence and priviledge with effecte
and in all matters incident to the same accordinge to the true meaninge of these presentes
And further knowe yee that wee of our more ample grace certaine knowledge and
meere mocon for vs our heires and successors doe by these presentes graunte vnto the
saide master and keepers or wardens and Comynaltie of the misterie or Art of Stacioners
of the Cittie of London and theire Successors that the saide master wardens and Assistantes
of the saide Corporacon for the tyme beinge or the greater parte of them (whereof the
master of the saide Corporacon for the time being to hee one) shall haue full and free lycence,
power and authoritie to constitute ordaine and make from time to time such reasonable
lawes ordinances and constitucons as to them or the greater parte of them whereof the

III. 681
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