A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 4)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 38  

Scintilla, or a Light broken i?ito dark warehouses, 8fc.   \

(Illustrative Documents.
1641. A.D.

Accedence                Accedsnce, this Book by chance a yeare a goe broke loose from the

Stake of the Monopolist, and was sold at six shillings in the pound cheaper then they
sell them: but they have by Combination tyed him to the Stake again: for observe, if
the old Partners cannot agree together, the Young [i. e. Robert Young] will, though
never so Indirect.
Concordance               The Monopolist keep all others from Printing Concordances by their

a ent, 6,            Pattent, and these being Printed in another Volume  [i, e. size of book]

beyond Sea, and brought over, and sold at half their prise, they seise and take them
from others, and sel them again themselves, although theirs be not to be had here:

So have they likewise seised other Books Printed beyond the Seas, when not any
Printed here were to be had.

Geneoiogy                  ^^* ^ touch of this : for it is too tart, and I verily ^beleeve picks the

patent, 7,             Subjects pockets, that eats brown bread to fill the sleeping Stationers belly

with Venison and Sacke, and robs the Common-wealth in too still a way: and when the
Sellers by Reta[i]le get not a[n] obolus [i. e. an halfpenny] : these Monopolists get a
shilling: for the Octavo Ge[a]neologie, and the twelve [mo.], of every 4^. they make
15^. and for the 12'^^^^l. what the Reta[i]lers give 4^^ for, they will not if they were to be
returned again give six shillings for it.

I hope when the Honourable Assembly of Barliament sees this, as I shall be ready
to make proof of all; they will put an end to these crying grievances, and help the
calamities of the poore pinshed Subjects.

Here I could open another window, but I see many poore stand within to keep it
shut, and I will not adde misery to their affliction.

Lastly, some few observations shall serve for the Brrata which the Honourable
House of Barliament may correct in the Society of Stationers, by taking order that the
Statute of 25. H. 8. c. 15. concerning the prises of Bookes may be duly exercised; that
there may be at least 20 or 24 Assistants to the Company, and none of those to be above
twice Master, for now six or 8 of the Eldest Combining, carry all to their own mark, and
ayme alwayes at their own end: and that if they will not Print such Coppies as are
there entred to the Company, it may and shalbe free for any to imprint or Import them,
vntill such times they Print them here to furnish the Kingdome.

This may serve in part for should I make a whole Brrata it would be farre bigger
then the Breviat, and here look but into a window of the Monopolists Law-Warehouse;
and there behold a free discovery as here followes

Bought of the Law Printers[,] Bookes at the partners prises

Ianuary  1639  [i.e. 164 0]
1879 Tables to Cookes Littleton at a lid a book fol.  Stocked [at] 2s 4d

October 1630
1500 Eliments of the Laio at I2s 6d. per reame which is 7 or 8d a Book Stocked at Ish 6d. [a book]

July  1631
1500 English Law[y]ers at 9d a Book,               *          Stocked at Ssh

October  1630
1334 Daltons Justice, at 4sli. a Booke                         Stocked at 6sh. 25 to the quatern.

1200 Statut[e]s at 22sh.                                              Stock[ed at] 36sh. 8d 26 to the quarter.

1200 Cookes Tables to reports, 2^. 2d. a Booke,            Stocked at 4sli. 25 to the quartern.

1200 Cooks 11** Beport at Ish lOd. a Booke,                 Stocked at 5sh. 25 to the quartern.

1200 West 1 part at 2sii. 2d. a Booke,                          Stock 3sh 6d. 26 to the quarter.

700 Woemans Law[y]er at 22d. a Booke,                      Stock at 3sli. 26 to the quarter

600 KELLOWAYes                          at 3sh, 6d. a Booke, Stock at Tsh. 6d. 26 to the quarter

1200 Littleton fol. at lOsh. a Booke,                          Stocked at 15sh. 26 to the quarter

600 Regesters at 6sh. 8d. a Booke,                                Stock at 15[sii] 26 to the quarter

600 Cooks 2^ report    Stocked at 4sh.    600 3»*^ report at 4sli.    600 4** report at 6sh,         bought

at Ish. 8d. a Booke.
600 Natura Brevium SM^ at Ish. 8d,                           Stock't at Ssh. 8d. . 26 to the quarter

Aprill 1637
1700 leet Courte at 12sli. ed. a Reame,                          Stock at 3d. 26 to the Quarter.

1600 Tearmes of the Law, at 2sh. a Booke,                   Stock at 3sh. 8d. 26 to the quarter.

700 FiNcnes Lawe SM^ at Ish a Booke,                        Stock at 2sii. 6d. 26 to the quarter.

1000 Presidents SMo at 6d a Book,                             Stock at lOd. 26 to the quarter.

600 Cooks 1 Beport at 2^. 6d. a Booke,                       Stock at 6sh. 2d. 26 to the quarter.

2000 Compleat Justice, SMo at Ish. 3d. a Booke[,]          Stock at 2sii 2d. 26 to the quarter.

600 Lon^e Quinto at Ish.                                           Stock't at 6sh.

1000 Doctor and Student [by C Saint German] 13sh. 4d. a Reame be 6d a Booke Stock U\
But I know                     Obsequium amicos, Veritas odium par et,

IV. 38                                 FJNIS]
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