A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 4)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 44  

[ 12—14 December 1620
Begni Begis Jacobi 18°

H. Lowes. {gj«7«.-]

Nathanael. New-

12^ Mt ^utwi^xi^ 1620

Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Doctor  Feately
and master Lownes warden A Catachisme Called short principles of

religion by william Reyner


William Bladen Entred for his Copie vnder the hands of Master Doctor ffeatly and
master Lownes warden, A booke Called, The iust and necessary Apologia
of Henry Airay, the late reuerend Prouost of Queenes coUedge in
Oxford, Touching his suites in Bawe. for the Rectory of Charleton vj*

13o irecemfirii^

Master Pauier      Assigned ouer vnto them by Edward White and by consent of both

and John Wright, the wardens all the  [e] state the said Edward white hath in theis

[See III., 187;     twelue copies folio win ffe......vj^

and pp. 165, 166                   ^                    ^                    .

and 318.]                                                                        ^«2

Schoole of vertue.
Katherine Stvb[be]8
[See III, 227.]                  The booke of DiUES and the Diuell

The history of Doctor FFA USTUS
The history of Bong Meg of Westminster. /
Baradice of dainty deuices
The handfull of delightes.
The Hospitall for the Diseased.
The Widowes treasure
A thousand notable things
The Bathway to health.
The vineyard of Deuotion.

Thomas^ Langley  Assigned ouer vnto him by John Trundle and by Consent of Master
Lownes warden all the ri^ht the said John Trundle hath, in theis two


[See III., 662; )
and p. 366.]      \

[Seejsp. 101,
143, and 204.]

Copies following

The Play of GUY of Warwicke

The first and 2. parte of TOM Thombe


14 IButWiixxi^.

Master Elde and   Entred for their Copie vnder the hands of Master Doctor Goade,
and Master Lownes warden A Poeme called The Workes of Mercy,

Myles fflesher

both Corporall and Spiritiiall, written by. T. M./



Master. Griffin Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of Master Doctor Goad, and
master Lownes warden, A booke called Appellatio Thom[a]e
Prestoni  et   Thom[a]e  Green^i  Benedictinorum  Anglorum ad

summum Bontificem


Henry Gosson.      Received of him for a ballett  called Englandes honour and for an

other called The Seamans Loue
IV. 44

  Page 44