A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 4)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 229  

[ T.Soote. }b. Norton.          26 February—3 March 1630]                              195

Regni Regis Caroli quinto.

John Grove.


26 miixmxil 1629 [i.e. 1630]

Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of Sir Henry Herbert and
Master Purfoote warden A play Called Hoffman the Reveng[e]full
ffather.     ..........



Entred for his Copie vnder the same handes A play Called The
gratefull servant by James Sherley.....vj'

Master Bntter
Master Boume /


Entred for their Copie vnder the handes of Master Weckerline and
master Purfoote Three severall Treatises, The truce at this presente
propounded betwixt the States of Holland and the West India Company :
2* whether it be safe to make peace with Spaine, 3* A remonstrance to
the King of Bohemia, translated out of the Low Country [i. e. Dutch]



27^ fCtiixmxii 1629 [i. e. 1630]

Ra[l]ph Mahh.      Entred   of   [or rather  for]   his  Copie  vnder   the  handes  of Sir
Henry Herbert and Master Purfoote A play Called The Spannish



2o m^x%i\ 1629 [^. e. 1630]

John Grove          Assigned ouer vnto him vnder the hand of Master Purfoote warden

All the estate  right Title and Interest which Lawrence Chapman

[See III., 662.] hath in the Copie Called The Woodmans Beare by. Josuah
Silvester       ....        .....        vj*

3o m^xti) 1629 [i.e. 1630]

Master Butter. Entred for his Copie vnder th'[h]andes of Master Austin and
Master Purfoote A Sermon Called The Hypocrite preacht by [Joseph
Hall] the lord Bishop of Exon [i. e. Exeter] at Court 28 ffebruarii.
1629. [^. ^. 1630]......        .        .        yj*

Master Boler /      Entred for his Copie vnder  the handes of master Buckner  and
^^fifK}^^' ^^^   master Purfoote A Continuation of the Subiect o/Lucans Ilistoricall
^      -J             Foem till the death of JuLirs CjESAR. [by Thomas May]          vj*

IV. 229
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