A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 4)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 241  

[ I iSn.-1 »• Swinhowe.      13 October—6 November 1630]

Begni Begis Caroli. vj'". /


13^ ©ttoiiniS 1630

Entred for theire Copie vnder ye hands of Master Austin and both
the wardens a booke called a Touchstone of grace by A: Harsnet


[See p. 261.]




Master Sparkes.
[See IIL, 674.]

15^ ©i^totiris. 1630

Assigned ouer vnto him by Thomas Langley and vnder the hand of
master Harison warden, A bool^e Called Hungers Prevention or The
Art of Fowlinge hj ZA.nYi^ Mnkkkkm.        .        .        .        .        yj^

Ma\^er Smrkes.

Crost out by
order of Court
the first of
December 1634.
[See IIL, 447,]

16. ©ftoliris. 1630

Entr«d for his Gjppie vnder i^he handes lof master Buckner and
maste\ Harison A^den A Boo^e called P^strio Masttkhy master
WiLLiJ^ Prtnn    \.        .        \    •        •  \ *        '      \       ^i^



Master Brewster Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master AuSten and master
Harison warden GODs three Arrotves^ Plague Sword. Famyne. Together
with The Saintes Sacrifice for GODs deliverance from deadly distresse :
grounded upon the whole 116 psalme by William Gough Doctor in



26. ©ttofivtss. 1630

Master Milborne. Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Doctor Harris and
both the wardens, A treatise Concerning the fift generall Counsell.

[See p. 50.]          Discouering   the  manifold ffraudes   faultes  of   Cardinall Baronius

and   Bynneus    in    discribing    that   matter   by    master    Doctor

[Eichard] Orakentho[r]pe [i.e. Crakanthorp]


6tfe of ^ouemfict. 1630.

Master Milbourne Entred for his Copie vnder the hands of Master Austin and Master
Kingstone a booke called the mischeife and misery of Scandals by
Master Jeremiah Dike of Epping.           .        .        .        .       vj^

A Transcript ^c.    .                16                                           IV. ?41
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