A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London (v. 4)

(London : Birmingham :  Priv. Print.,  1875-77 ; 1894.)



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  Page 244  

210                     [ 27 November—8 December 1630      aswinnowe.}f^^Z. ]

[ Regni Regis Caroli vj^'' ]

27 Botiemtiet; 1630

Samuel Neland.    Entred for his Copie vnder the hands of Master Martin and Master

Kingstone A booke called An historicall Narration of the Judgment of

©^           some English Bishops Marters and others that suffered in Q MARles

dayes for the truth Concerning GODs election and the merite of Christ



Master Boler
Henry Gosson

30> aotiemlier. 1630

Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Martin and master

Harison M^o^^ fables in English verse by Gr: D


\mn llecemdvt!^. 1630

George Gibbes      Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Buckner and
master Kingston warden, A booke Called Polydoron or A Miscelania

by. John. Don[n]e.


\n IButWiiixi^. 1630.

Master Boler        Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Martin and master
Henry Gosson       Harison warden, A booke Called The Complaint of Christmas or The
teares of Twelfetide by John Taylor.          ....        vj^

6. Jieamiiris 1630

Henry Overton     Assigned ouer by John Haviland 3 sermons^ to be disposed of by master
Gateker, brought to be entred by Henry Overton,    viz'

[See p. 217.]        sermon preacht at the buriall of mistris Lucy Edge    an

[the burial of]   mistris Alice  Chapman    [and]   the  other
Paulcs seasonable Departure, by the said master Gtateker           vj^

[Notice the words " to be disposed of," or we should now say " for sale.'']

*    A funeral

other, at


master Cotes.
Richard Cotes.

8o Hecemlitts 1630.

Entred for their Copie vnder the handes of master Buckner and
master Kingston warden, Masters Joy. and servantes safety, by master

IV. 244

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