Hemstreet, Charles, Literary New York

(New York ; London :  G.P. Putnam's Sons,  1903.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 45  

Chapter III
The Poet of the Revolution

IN the far down-town business sec¬
tion of New York, there is a
street so short that you can walk its
entire length in ten minutes or less
time. It leads from the park where
the City Hall is, straight to the river.
Beginning at the tall buildings where
the newspapers have their homes, it
continues along between the ware¬
houses of leather merchants and the
solid stonework of the bridge that
crosses from the Manhattan to the
Brooklyn shore ; leads to the open
space at the top of Cherry Hill, then
makes a steep descent as though
about to plunge deep into the river.
For much of its length it is a con¬
stant scene of noise and bustle and

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