Gilchrist, John Borthwick, The Hindee moral preceptor (v. 2)

(London :  Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen,  1821.)



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Table of Contents

  [No Page Number]  


in the first half sheet the page numbers are all wrong : it should run
thus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, instead of 2, 4, &c. to 10, which should
be marked only 8 ; the rest afterwards commencing with 9 are all right.

page     for        read

5  (7) hybut—huebut,

6  (8) an affection—affectation.

7  (9) unfas, nufas—nufus.

....   death,perishable—unit (-ya)

9 hal, &c.—quick only.

—  ilah—illah.

11   hulawut—hulawut.

12  uher—uher.

16 ata cusZard—ata.

22  ursar—usrar.

23  usU|an, stuan—usthan.

—  ustuul—usthul.

—  uzhduat—uzhdbat.

24  rolurz—rolurz.

—  uojbl—ojhul.

26  huwikii—huwikhfirnee.

27  roghna—rogahna.

28  ukhz—ukhz.

29  old—gentleman.

30  miftan—miftah.

32  nal—mu-nal  don't,   &c.  in Us

proper place.

—  munddhup—mundup (dh).

33  mink'ar—minqar.

36 mrohurrir—mrohurrir.

38  muhiyut—mahiyut.

—  mudwan—madwan.

39  mrotabiq—mrotabiq.

—  mrotluq—mrotluq.

40  mrotuqee- mrottuqee.
42 muhsool. Sec—with s.

page   for         read

42 mrosuwwir—mrosuwwir.

48  to, at bhee—too.

—  bhee, bhuy—bhue, bhuy.

49  bhum bhun—bhun bhun.
51 puena good—puena goad.
64 purjutun—purjutun.

72  fasilu—fasilu,

—  fuesul—fuesul.

73  fusad—fusad.

80 famed,  SfC, at the top of the''

second column, place them
after numood in the flrst

81   read the note at tbe bottom,

82  noor-uza—noor-ufza.
84 nadeem—nadim.

—  notfu—nrotfu.

86 nustarun—nusturun.

—  muchana—nuchana.
88 nikuntuh—nikuntuk.
93 lus, lukna—lus, luhna.

100  rroswa—rroswa,

101   raqib—raqib.

104 dum prokkt—dum prokht.

106 tub—tub.

— up—tup.

108 dubbugh—dubbagb.

116 thorhee ZZiiw—thorhee chin.

123 dozugh—dozukh.

204 qhureeq—ghureeq.

214 relation—relaxation.

the industrious tyro cannot be better employed than in immediately
correcting the work from the errata here j when he may also incorporate
every word of the appendix with the contents of the columns which pro¬
perly belong to each, sometimes the columnal head letters have been
misplaced, as in pages 29, 30, &c. but this can always be rectified by
looking at the words successively, and adjusting the consonants accord¬
ingly 3 thus, page 29 should have mm. mmb. mmn. mml. mmr. instead of
mb. mn. &c. which belong properly to pages 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, &c.
a parenthesis will occasionally be found, as under nur, page 82, to show
that this word alone or nur-ooka, &c. may be used for male, a remark
applicable, of course, to many others thus inserted.

Printed by

Cox aut! B.aylis, Great Queen Streefj

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