Descriptive index of the maps on record in the office of the Register of City and County of New York (Descriptive index.)

(New York :  Diossy & Co.,  1875.)



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No. of

10            Bel.   to  the   heirs   of William   Beekman, deceased.

Land on George st. (now Spruce), Beekman, Ann,

William, G-old, Cliff and Queen sis.    First plan
made September 27th, 1708.

06 T 6 Bel. to Joshua Jones, 1833. E. side of William St.,
S. of Beekman st.

76 A E. side of Beekman st., opposite Fulton Market. 8
lots.    Estate of Peter Schermerhorn.

"          B  Peter Schermerhorn.    1834.    S. side of Fulton St., from

South to Front st.

" ' H Schermerhorn. W. side of Beekman and S. side of
Gold St.

"          p   Scliermerhorn.    S. side of Water, Front, and Soulh

Sts.    10 lots.

05 T Bel. to estate of Thomas C. Pearsall. Surveyed
1830. E. side of John and S. side of Cliff st., N".
side of Pearl st.

120 5 Property of John Hone. 1840. E. side of Fulton
St., and S. side of Cliff st.

X^7 T Property bel. to estateof E. Stevens, deceased. 1846,
Extending from N. side of South st. to S. side of
Water st. E. of Beekman st.

151             Property bel. to estate of Mrs. Ann White, deceased,

1829.    jST.   side   of   Ann  st., from   Park   row   to
Theatre alley.

153            Property bel. to estate of Mrs. Ann White, deceased.

1828.    Ann,   ISTassau, Beekman st., and   Theatre

153            Vineyard Property.    C. D. Sackett.    Surveyed 1759.

Purk row, Ann st., Beekman st, and Tlieatre alley.
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