Wealth and biography of the wealthy citizens of New York City

(New York :  Sun Office,  1845.)



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To render this publication more interesting to the general reader, we have procured from
various authentic sources, brief genealogical and liistorical or biographical notices ol^ some of
the more remarkable men and families iij this couiiniinity, Into whose hands wealth has concen¬
trated. We have endeavored to do equ;il and exact jtistice to iht; piirttes, and have deemed thai
we have been rendering an especial service to those, more particularly, who by honest and la¬
borious industry huve riiised tliemseives from the obscure and linmbie walks of life, to great
■ wealth and consideration. If there be, by any possibility, any erroneous statements, we pledge
ourselves to correct them in onr next edition. Onr aim hiis been to wound the feelings of no
one, but to do stnct justice to all, and lo tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This"
edition has been carefully revised, and ahnost every biographical notice entirely re-written so as
to '■f'mose whatever errors and objectionable remarks had crept iiitu the former editions. It
--i=--s bfPn found necessary to exclude several names, while new names to ihe amount of nearly
uuL thud the whole number in the book have been added to this edition. There his been added
il'.o a r^e (piaiitity of interesting biographical and historical matter, as derived from the con¬
sultation i'" booiis and living authorities; so that the work may now be regarded as complete
and iceuidlc na its nature and scope admits.

New Yoik, January, 1845.

'   Entered accord) I tg to Act of Congress, in ihe year nnethousaiid eight hundred and forty-five,
in the Clerk's Ofiiee of the District Court of the U S. fortlie Southern District of New York.
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